Suspicious person at my door...

Not quite the same thing but Ad needs to tell the story about the crackhead in the storage room of his apartment. :lmao:

Stories like these makes me want to replace my pit. I had no fear of anyone breaking in when he was around. :D
Smith and Wesson is your friend.
Ruger is your buddy.
Marlin speaks loud.
Winchester wins.
Springfield can reach out and touch someone.

Just pick one and have it ready.
I was very paranoid when I was pregnant with our daughter. There were several stories at the time about women getting killed and having their babies cut out.

Most involved people that the victim had known or befriended. Scary.
theebs;3423828 said:
that is the movie strangers in the attic? or strangers in the house? When a Stranger calls?

Cant remember the title, where the girl was getting threatening phone calls while babysitting. Finally the police trace the calls and they were coming from the attic...

that movie used to give me the willies.
Yeah, "When a Stranger Calls." I thought it was funny until I saw her lose it. I felt really bad for the girl. Hard to believe someone went through something like that in real life. Not exactly the same, but similar enough to scare her really bad.
The Ominous;3423841 said:
I was once watching a house for my aunt that was best friends with a soldier from Iraq, a female Major. I watched the house for five months, out of the possibe 12 that the soldier was sent for. This is in Albuquerque near Coors and the Rio Grande River by I-40. There is one of the most popular parks in the city right down the exact street from me.

Someone rang the doorbell at 3 in the morning, I was shocked. Went to the door and saw no one. I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

Next morning at about 5 a.m. police were ringing the door bell and knocking on the screen door screaming.

The police found burnt remains of a human at the park. They had no idea where they came from and were doing a neighborhood sweep. Unsolved.

Still freakes me out to this day.


Good 'ol Albuquerque. Hasn't changed much except for the crime getting worse. Especially if it was South Coors(looked like it) and Rio Grande.

Still home but glad to be out of there.

Sorry. No scary stories except for a purse that looked like a witch in the dark that caused my older brother to incite a pee fest.... :eek::
Faerluna;3423989 said:
I was very paranoid when I was pregnant with our daughter. There were several stories at the time about women getting killed and having their babies cut out.

Most involved people that the victim had known or befriended. Scary.

That happened recently. A girl from Maryland who lived in Seattle or Alaska killed her friend, took her baby, and stashed the woman's body in a crawlspace.
I don't get all y'all who say you peek out to see who's just knocked on your door w/o asking "WHO IS IT!?" The last thing I want to give some potential ne'er-do-well, is the impression no one is home.

Just the opposite in-fact. I want that person to be cocksure there's somebody on the other side of that locked door, and I very likely am chambering a round as I wait for their response.
DallasCowpoke;3424578 said:
I don't get all y'all who say you peek out to see who's just knocked on your door w/o asking "WHO IS IT!?" The last thing I want to give some potential ne'er-do-well, is the impression no one is home.

I'm with you. I always let them know I'm home, I just don't open up.
DallasCowpoke;3424578 said:
I don't get all y'all who say you peek out to see who's just knocked on your door w/o asking "WHO IS IT!?" The last thing I want to give some potential ne'er-do-well, is the impression no one is home.

Just the opposite in-fact. I want that person to be cocksure there's somebody on the other side of that locked door, and I very likely am chambering a round as I wait for their response.

In my mind. That would only encourage me to rob your house. It just signifies that you are too ***** to answer the door, like a man.

Now that you have a gun, it's a different story.
Bob Sacamano;3424609 said:
In my mind. That would only encourage me to rob your house. It just signifies that you are too ***** to answer the door, like a man.

Now that you have a gun, it's a different story.


Obviously, you'd be one and done in the vocation of robbery.
looks perfectly harmless to me

DallasCowpoke;3424578 said:
I don't get all y'all who say you peek out to see who's just knocked on your door w/o asking "WHO IS IT!?" The last thing I want to give some potential ne'er-do-well, is the impression no one is home.

Just the opposite in-fact. I want that person to be cocksure there's somebody on the other side of that locked door, and I very likely am chambering a round as I wait for their response.

You have to chamber a round? I keep my guns ready to rock and roll...
DallasCowpoke;3424578 said:
I don't get all y'all who say you peek out to see who's just knocked on your door w/o asking "WHO IS IT!?" The last thing I want to give some potential ne'er-do-well, is the impression no one is home.

Just the opposite in-fact. I want that person to be cocksure there's somebody on the other side of that locked door, and I very likely am chambering a round as I wait for their response.
I just use the audio of a group of pitbulls fighting to the death. :p:
CowboyFan74;3424619 said:
You have to chamber a round? I keep my guns ready to rock and roll...

I keep these in concealed but easily accessible "cubbyholes" by my front and back doors. Both hold 8+1, but I would never keep a round chambered on a weapon I don't have under lock.


dbacklund;3423717 said:
So I am sitting on my couch just now and somebody rings my doorbell. I check the peephole and see a person I've never seen before. He was wearing a wife-beater and was not carrying anything so I do not think he was a salesman. Side note, salesmen are common where I live so I often check the peephole and screen visitors.

Before I opened the door, I noticed that in front of my house there was an idling car with it's door open and somebody in the driver's seat. I am not a paranoid person or anything and have no problem telling salesmen that I am not interested, but this was really a suspicious situation. He hung around no more than 15 seconds before he got in the car and took off.

Does this seem suspicious to anybody else or am I just paranoid?

You did the right thing. You never know what folks are up to now days.

theebs;3423770 said:

My friends had a sign on there door growing up,

"this house is guarded by shotgun 3 nights per guess which three"

I used to love that. I keep meaning to find one of those on the internet and buy it!

LOL! I love that sign.

Hostile;3423775 said:
One of my friends growing up his Dad had a target with 6 shots all within about an inch of dead center. In black magic marker he wrote, "are you willing to gamble on how far away I was?"

It was taped to the front window right by the front door, in plain sight. I always considered that a pretty fair warning.

Also an awesome sign. I'd like to have that one as well.

vta;3423794 said:
That gave me the creeps...
Reminded me of when we (Sister, brother and I) were kids. My mom worked nights and we had the fortress to ourselves. One night, of all nights us watching the Exorcist on cable, my sister screams.

I nearly crap and jump up, look at the door and through the window, see the outer door singing shut. My brother runs to it and holds, not knowing the guy was going the other way. Some guy was staring in at us when my sister saw him.

My mother came home and it never came to anything, just us scared witless. Oddly back then there really was not much to fear it seemed. As kid's we roamed endlessly, everywhere and had no fear. Summer nights we were out. Even after that.

It seemed the whole town was crawling with our neighbors and no one feared a damned thing. I can't imagine allowing my daughter that same kind of freedom without being worried about her.

Yikes. That no doubt sucked.

Hostile;3423825 said:
Holy cow. Scary stories. I have one, but it is not mine. When I was in college I said something at a party one time and this girl from Idaho or Montana (I forget which one she was) freaked out. I mean she lost it.

I was quoting a movie. I said, "do you know where your children are?" Obviously I was joking about us being a bunch of young people at a party. This girl was a wreck.

Turns out where she was from some guy stalked her and he would call the house and ask things like that. Not that exact phrase, but stuff about her being home alone, etc.

One time he scared her so bad she was convinced he had been in the house. She ran to her car to get away and stuck in the seat was a butcher knife from her Mom's kitchen.

I felt really bad for scaring her. She must have gone through hell.

Ahhh...the "Have you checked the children" line. Classic scary. That's the kind of thing that would freak a person out in a major way.

theebs;3423828 said:
that is the movie strangers in the attic? or strangers in the house? When a Stranger calls?

Cant remember the title, where the girl was getting threatening phone calls while babysitting. Finally the police trace the calls and they were coming from the attic...

that movie used to give me the willies.

When a Stranger Calls was the movie. It's much scarier than 95% of the so called scary movies out there cause of how easily it could really happen.
Keep an SKS next to me with a 40 rd clip- rd in chamber and safety on.

Never answer the door just check it and if someone is dumb enough to try anything I get target practice.

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