Synder wants to Buy SuperBowl!

The post was satire. I'm the author.
Sorry about the date of the season. My bad. I'll go back and correct that right now. (I'm a two-fingered typist and sometinmes hit the wrong keys....)

BTW, here is an "update" on the story:

Dateline: Washington

In a related story, The Manning family has made the NFL a counter-offer.

Spokesman for the family, Archie Manning, said that, "If the trophy is for sale, we want in on the bidding."

Seeing as how the Mannings have never won anything legitimately, they evidently feel that they should be given the opportunity as well.

Although specific dollar amounts have yet to be discussed, the initial offer breaks down as follows:

* Father Archie agrees to give up 10% of his NFL pension.
* Brother Peyton kicks in 50% of his Colt's salary.
* Little Eli foregos all of his NFL paydays for the next 3 years or until he is out of the NFL (whichever is sooner).

In addition, the States of New York and Louisianna have agreed to contribute as well.

*New York has agreed to donate Jimmy Hoffa's body (from under the Meadowlands stadium). The body would be museumed and all proceeds would go to the league to be divided among the teams.

*Louisianna would contribute $110 million (misappropriated from Hurricane Katrina Relief Funds) if the trophy could be alternately displayed in New Orleans.

Of course the New York Giants football team would be expected to kick in their fair share, also. If not, then Archie and the rest of the Manning family have said that Eli will play for the team that antys up the most.

Fans can voice their feelings at the same site,

The options are currently being updated......

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