For those who think Felix will start next year, think again!!! Felix is the guy who can make this offense exciting but not as a full time half back. That belongs to T.C.
Tashard showed us all last year that he is the rock steady half back we need. Felix is the scat back that can make a defense pay on any play. He needs to be moved around and especially in the slot where he can create mis matches. We need to learn the screen pass and utilize it with all of our three backs.
Marion is the the blunt instrument of the offense. He will press his full force on the neck's of the defense when they have had it trying to tackle Tashard and chase Felix.
Marion should not start the game, Tashard should!!!! Felix should be given a healthy number of touches at running back and slot receiver but the main man is definitely Tashard. He has the heart, the moves and the ability to break tackles on a consistent basis.
Let's use Marion to his best effect. He is a third down, short yardage guy and definitely the best closer in the NFL.
Done right this could be one of the great running back groups ever in the NFL.