Twitter: Tank gets the Hot Bois scooters for Xmas


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Maybe I'm being overly sensitive here, but seeing people calling DeMarcus Lawrence "tank" still after how he has played really bothers me. By calling him that it implies he is playing like a machine when it's more like a Barbie tricycle. He is a typical idiot motivated by money.

LOL. We live in a capitalist nation. We're ALL motivated by money to some degree. But for some that becomes evil all of a sudden when someone else has way more than we do. So yes, you are being overly sensitive, but not for your stated purpose, IMO.


Well-Known Member
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yes !! sure no xmas for family if they cant maintain winning record lol.
But seriously, they should have the BRAINS to do all this privately so media doesnt know about it till at least off season.
These guys have shown us they are not too bright when it comes to social media, and the media.
Keep all this stuff on the down low, but that is evidently too difficult for them.

Even if he tried to keep it quiet, either a recipient or a friend of a recipient would have posted it somewhere for a CZ sleuth to find and post this thread for "OUTRAGE! - who's with me?" likes.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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More like the not so Hot Boyz this season.


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isn't there a clause in their contracts that forbids doing stupid crap like riding scooters, skydiving, bungee jumping, etc. in case of injury?

It used to be said that riding a scooter was a lot like riding a big girl, all fun and games until your friends see you.


Cowboys Diehard
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Lawrence might well have considered returning some of the money he got from the Cowboys -- no question but what he was over-payed. :rolleyes:


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LOL. We live in a capitalist nation. We're ALL motivated by money to some degree. But for some that becomes evil all of a sudden when someone else has way more than we do. So yes, you are being overly sensitive, but not for your stated purpose, IMO.

I have to make a counter argument in regards to all being motivated by money. Sure, there are times as the head of my household where I need to take extra jobs to ensure I can keep the lights on and stay ahead for my family, but there is a big difference between handling money and material things appropriately and inappropriately. If you believe for a second that all people look at money and material things close to the same way than you are sadly mistaken. People such as myself, only work for what I need, and my goal is to use what little I have to help others and possibly make their lives better.

There is big difference between a star athlete whom is going to make an insanely amount of money to people just trying to stay afloat. Demarcus Lawernce effectively played his butt off last year to earn his paycheck and now that he got that money his fire is gone. This is fact, I've watched him closely this year, he is just not motivated. There are players that give maximum effort and even restructure their contracts like Sean Lee, but lets don't pretend even for an instance that Demarcus Lawerence is the type of man and player that Sean Lee is.

In terms of being "overly sensitive"... I just don't believe Demarcus Lawerence has displayed the proper effort and character values to be referred to as Tank. The last time being called "Tank" was appropriate was when he smashed his way through Jerry's bank and pretended to care enough to get paid. This was when he was truly behaving like a tank.


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I have to make a counter argument in regards to all being motivated by money. Sure, there are times as the head of my household where I need to take extra jobs to ensure I can keep the lights on and stay ahead for my family, but there is a big difference between handling money and material things appropriately and inappropriately. If you believe for a second that all people look at money and material things close to the same way than you are sadly mistaken. People such as myself, only work for what I need, and my goal is to use what little I have to help others and possibly make their lives better.

There is big difference between a star athlete whom is going to make an insanely amount of money to people just trying to stay afloat. Demarcus Lawernce effectively played his butt off last year to earn his paycheck and now that he got that money his fire is gone. This is fact, I've watched him closely this year, he is just not motivated. There are players that give maximum effort and even restructure their contracts like Sean Lee, but lets don't pretend even for an instance that Demarcus Lawerence is the type of man and player that Sean Lee is.

In terms of being "overly sensitive"... I just don't believe Demarcus Lawerence has displayed the proper effort and character values to be referred to as Tank. The last time being called "Tank" was appropriate was when he smashed his way through Jerry's bank and pretended to care enough to get paid. This was when he was truly behaving like a tank.

"there is a big difference between handling money and material things appropriately and inappropriately"

Okay, and who in Hades made you the arbiter of such for you and others? And no I don't think everyone looks at money and material things the same, which is my point. People are FREE to use it as they wish without regard to whether others are "comfortable" with it or not, which I believe is your issue here. So you can pat yourself on the back for only making what you need but I would want to make what Lawrence makes if I had the talent (and so would you, low-key, IMO) but I'm not going to begrudge him if he does - he earned it. And what you've observed about Lawrence's play is not "fact," particularly when you claim to know what's in his heart based on what you've seen, which is already tainted by what he makes. So there's incentive to see something "less than" to confirm your "got paid" bias which many "money is evil" fans cling to as a character assassination for feeling some type of way at a player being highly paid. Since all armchair talent evaluators judge DL players by sacks, his lower numbers only feed the "he's doing less" isolated evaluation. It (and life) ain't that simple. Your kinds of takes, are though. But again, you do things for need, so have at it.


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Nobody could do it like Huggy Bear though . Classic Style and kept it on the 100

Starsky & Hutch


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"there is a big difference between handling money and material things appropriately and inappropriately"

Okay, and who in Hades made you the arbiter of such for you and others? And no I don't think everyone looks at money and material things the same, which is my point. People are FREE to use it as they wish without regard to whether others are "comfortable" with it or not, which I believe is your issue here. So you can pat yourself on the back for only making what you need but I would want to make what Lawrence makes if I had the talent (and so would you, low-key, IMO) but I'm not going to begrudge him if he does - he earned it. And what you've observed about Lawrence's play is not "fact," particularly when you claim to know what's in his heart based on what you've seen, which is already tainted by what he makes. So there's incentive to see something "less than" to confirm your "got paid" bias which many "money is evil" fans cling to as a character assassination for feeling some type of way at a player being highly paid. Since all armchair talent evaluators judge DL players by sacks, his lower numbers only feed the "he's doing less" isolated evaluation. It (and life) ain't that simple. Your kinds of takes, are though. But again, you do things for need, so have at it.

Without diving into every little detail, my perspective on money and material things simply comes from my spiritual side so it's not a matter of me deciding how I want to look at material wealth it's that I have no choice because of what I've been shown. I don't fault anyone whom acquires or strives for wealth, I'm not here to judge, but I can come to conclusions based on what I see just as we all do. In sports there are many types of personalities, and there are those whom value doing their best and putting their best foot forward no matter how much money they made. If you watch Demarcus and listen to how defensive he is, you will see the man is full of angst toward whomever doesn't agree with him.

We have to remember, you and I will see things very differently because of our life's circumstances are completely different just as everyone else's. There are many TV evangelist whom parade around in fancy cars and live in big mansions whom are scorned and looked upon as phonies. While this might be somewhat true, many of these same Evangelist hold services that help save people's lives, so it's hard to fault the whole operation even though there are some serious red flags.

When it comes to Demarcus, I see a defensive man whom knows he hasn't even come close to living up to that record breaking contract he received. The problem for Demarcus is at this point is that he really has no control because he is now comfortable. When comfortable for some, it's next to impossible to stay that hungry and it takes a very special person with incredible drive and determination to stay at a high level. I see guys like Dirk Nowitzki whom always stayed humble and gave it 100%, not only did he always stay focused on doing his best, he inspired others to do so.

Again, until I see Demarcus consistently play how he did last year, actions speak louder than words.