Very legitimate concern. I took me awhile to come up with some of my bigger ones. I have one sleeve that’s all related to time, it’s a daily reminder for me how much time may or may not matter, that will never change for me. Another one is a an American history sleeve, I was a history major in college (Russia, go figure) but I still spend lots of free time reading about American history, and history in general. The fascination with history will never change for me either and my sleeve is a another constant reminder of how our country got to where it is today and some of the wars that people gave it their all to help us achieve that.
3 others are personal memorials. One is just a classic traditional eagle that has meaning, like a lot of the traditional traditional tattoos, ha. Another is nothing but liking the artist and letting her do her thing, I had almost no input. There are one or two things I would change about that one but on the other hand it’s her idea and I like her work so it’s kinda cool in that sense. That’s the one most people would say “what the hell were you thinking”, lol. Ironically enough, she was also the most expensive and in the highest demand by far.