drowning in putty's olive oil
neverdrowning in putty's olive oil
A little too honest for someone trying to do it for a living. It's not the honesty with her analysis, it's the honesty of her emotions that look like an issue to me. For example, sometimes she starts getting defensive when the other guys argue with her, and she starts making comments about "being attacked". Just not a good look for a pro.
I have seen that too but I think most of that comes from her feeling "out gunned" by others on show who have been watching football their entire life. She is playing catch-up and I think Broddius has helped her alot with break-down of film on spanish version. She still surprises me with her insight and honestly at times because I have almost no expectations from her. Not sure if you have noticed this too but Nick Eatman has crush on her.
I think that she has greatly improved as well. I appreciate the fact that unlike some others, she can be critical when she feels it's warranted.
I agree. Ambar was the worst because she admittedly didn’t know any football. She used to be silent for long periods on The Break while the men talked. Not sure why they hire women who are not equipped to discuss football themselves. Anyway, Bryan, to his credit, seems to have taken her under wing and explained the basics to her. Now, she asserts herself more and forms her own opinions. I think Taylor learned a lot talking to Bryan, too.
Yes!is she from Philly?