superpunk said:I'm only freakin 21. Maybe I can kill someone, and then use that defense with the judge.
"It was very bad of you to kill that person. Life sentence."
"But judge, I'm only freakin 21!!!!!"
"Duly noted. 40 hours of community service."
I love how people defend Taylor's actions with the Michael Pittman's a wife beater excuse. As if Taylor was acting as some sort of "hand of god," and meting out punishment on sinners. He hocked a BIG one on a dude. Call me crazy, but I doubt it had much to do with pittman's history, and more to do with Taylor being a moronic jerk-off.
The Defense was talking early on about the possibility of a plea but the DA came out and said that since a gun was used to commit the crime the charges couldn't be lessened and the only thing Taylor could do was plead guilty or go to trial.joseephuss said:I haven't followed this stuff since fortunately it isn't a current Cowboy player. Didn't Taylor already reject a plea bargain that would have taken the sentence down to a mandatory 3 years sentence? Seems like 3 is going to be the magic number if he loses. I understand he passed a lie detector test saying he didn't brandish his gun. I don't think he loses. It becomes his word against the other guys. The guys that are accused of stealing Taylor's ATVs. I don't think their word holds much merit either.
1fisher said:go over to extremeskins if you want to see some nonsense about taylor...... if he played for the cowboys they would be eating him alive!!!!!
Avery said:1. What does Pittman have to do with Taylor's case?
abersonc said:I think folks were talking about other guys who should be in jail. Seriously, ramming your car into a car that both your wife and child were sitting in? That, by the way, was his 3rd domestic battery arrest.
TheKey said:I thought his father was the DA?
SkinsandTerps said:Father is a police chief in another part of south Florida.
superpunk said:I think most bring it up as some sort of justification for Taylor's moronic actions. Or to say, hey, this guy's a wife beater, he deserved it. He does, but I think that had little to do with Taylor lettin a big one go in Pittman's face.
Dave_in-NC said:Not directed at you Skins, but people have the nerve to say the son of a Chief of police didnt know better?
Taylor_Can_Hit21 said:The guy is only freakin 22. People make mistakes...Pittman hasn't exactly been a model citezen either. As a matter of fact he has done MUCH worse than Taylor. Pittman deserved it because he is a scum that abuses his wife.