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Jealousy is a stinky cologne John...

Seriously you link to a Duke hate site, which cites parents of former players?? One of these former players was stuck behind Elton Brand his career and his father complains about that. The site links to several articles that are bad links... The only links that work, link to articles that contain hearsay and parents of alleged wronged players venting against a coach who didn't give their kid enough playing time. Cry me a river. If this is the worst you got on Coach K, you seriously need to reevaluate your position. Otherwise I'm sure you can't be a fan of any coach in the country... in any sport.

And why would Coach K have wins and losses on his record if he wasn't coaching the team? Really makes sense to me... :rolleyes:

And you think that this -- even if it were true -- would outweigh years of success, tons of stand-up players who don't get in trouble, and the admiration of basically every single coach and basketball anaylst in the country?

By the way, given your political leanings, I'm sure you'd love the fact that an ex-Duke player is one of Barack Obama's closest assistants... Reggie Love.

Guess you just can't stand it that Duke is to the Cowboys what North Carolina is to the Commanders.
UNC is the Commanders? Yeah right, I guess that is why they are what 2nd overall in NCAA wins. If anything, Duke is the Commanders, fans who talk tough but really are nerds who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.


I figured for sure you wouldn't accept whatever "link" what brought up, you clearly have bought into Krezewski's bull and are one of his acolytes.

Ask yourself, would Landry have dumped losses on an assistant coach who took over for him one year? Not on your life. The fact he petitioned to have the losses taken off says all you need to know about krezewski's character.
CanadianCowboysFan;2216477 said:
UNC is the Commanders? Yeah right, I guess that is why they are what 2nd overall in NCAA wins. If anything, Duke is the Commanders, fans who talk tough but really are nerds who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.

The Cowboys don't have the winningest record in the NFL. It has nothing to do with wins. It has to do with public perception. No one cares about UNC, most people don't have strong feelings one way or another. Duke is the Cowboys, Yankees and Notre Dame of NCAA basketball. You either love em or hate em. UNC you either love em, or ehhh. I doubt there's a UNC hate site on the web.

I figured for sure you wouldn't accept whatever "link" what brought up, you clearly have bought into Krezewski's bull and are one of his acolytes.
Because that's no evidence whatsoever. Please, if you're really a "barrister" then you know that. You'd have to be a "barrista" to use that crap as evidence. You're just a hater. Anything you can use to fuel your irrational hate you will. And all you have in probably 20 years of hate is a couple of shady links from a Duke hate site.

Ask yourself, would Landry have dumped losses on an assistant coach who took over for him one year? Not on your life. The fact he petitioned to have the losses taken off says all you need to know about krezewski's character.
How do you know that? It's pure speculation on your part. I wouldn't expect any coach to take responsibility for losses that occurred when he wasn't coaching the team.

And this is such a ridiculous thing to hang your hat on. I have never even heard of this in the first place, so if you got a link for this one, I'd appreciate that too. And I mean a legitimate link. A link from a Duke/Coach K hate site is worse than a wikipedia link.
You wouldn't believe any link re ratface because you are one of his minions pure and simple. He is a ******* albeit a successful one. Hell he will probably even use his Gold medal with pro players to pimp Duke basketball.

Of course Avery's family has an axe to grind, that doesn't mean it is isn't true. When you cannot attack the message, attack the messenger, typical lawyer response (and yes I know how to do that, try to show bias, limit the credibility)

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Scroll down to 1994-95. Despite what he said in 2007 about him being responsible for the losses, they haven't been added to his total. You will also note it was a Duke employee who talked to the NCAA about the losses assigned to Gaudet. Of course I am sure ratface had NOTHING to do with an employee contacting the NCAA. Only a hater would think that to be the case.
So I see there are no credible links. And when you don't have anything to back up your argument, you resort to attacks on me. I'm one of his "minions?" Drama queen. Tells me a lot about your credibility. Typical hater.

I don't know why UNC fans as a whole are so rabid in their hate for Duke. Duke fans have a dislike for UNC, just like any rival, but UNC fans grasp at straws to try to attack what is a stand-up program and coach. That program is best described as squeaky clean and you guys hate that.
So now Wikipedia is not a "credible" link in this situation? What more do you want? Would it have to come from Duke University to be credible?

If you think Duke fans do not hate UNC as much as UNC fans hate Duke, I have a bridge to sell you. I guess the dressing up Frankenstein's monster as Eric Montross, having up signs JR can't Reid this sign etc don't mean anything to you or referring to Scott Williams as an orphan after his parents were killed in an accident. Granted they can be equally as obnoxious against others but they reserve special comments for UNC players.

I know it must be killing you as a Duke fan knowing UNC has been to the Final Four two of the last four years and an Elite Eight one other year as Duke has fallen further and further down as a program.

Of course as long as Wojo is teaching your big men and another non-entity named Chris Collins is also an assistant coach, it won't be easy to get back to prominence. Duke will continue to bring in guys like Paulus, McRoberts, Scheyer and Melchionni who can get them a decent regular season record but fail come tournament time.

That is the way things are at Duke now.
CanadianCowboysFan;2217680 said:
So now Wikipedia is not a "credible" link in this situation? What more do you want? Would it have to come from Duke University to be credible?
The wikipedia link doesn't say what you allege. It just says the SID asked the NCAA how to credit the records. Coach K's quote there says they should have gone to his record. The rest is a conspiracy theory on your part.

And no, wikipedia is not a credible source. Has it ever been?

If you think Duke fans do not hate UNC as much as UNC fans hate Duke, I have a bridge to sell you. I guess the dressing up Frankenstein's monster as Eric Montross, having up signs JR can't Reid this sign etc don't mean anything to you or referring to Scott Williams as an orphan after his parents were killed in an accident. Granted they can be equally as obnoxious against others but they reserve special comments for UNC players.
That's just ribbing. It's not a hate site on the web that tries to cast suspicions on the integrity of the entire program and their coach. If you can't see the difference there, I don't know what to tell you.

And you acknowledge yourself that the Crazies do this to everyone. Reserving special comments for UNC? Well whoop-de-doo. The best ribbing is specific to the person.... althought the JR can't Reid sign has probably been used on others with that last name.

I know it must be killing you as a Duke fan knowing UNC has been to the Final Four two of the last four years and an Elite Eight one other year as Duke has fallen further and further down as a program.
I'm not going to lie, I wish Duke had done better the past couple of years. And I can acknowledge that UNC has had a successful past few seasons. But I'm not sitting here creating an illusion that your coach and your program don't have any integrity or class.

Of course as long as Wojo is teaching your big men and another non-entity named Chris Collins is also an assistant coach, it won't be easy to get back to prominence.
Duke is arguably the most prominent program in the country. Nice try though.
Duke will continue to bring in guys like Paulus, McRoberts, Scheyer and Melchionni who can get them a decent regular season record but fail come tournament time.
It could be worse. We could have a guy who has been named freshman of the year, all conference three times, all conference player of the year in 2008 and sports illustrated and sporting news player of the year in 2008, who STILL hasn't gotten it done come tournament time.

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