Teams win not individuals


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for sure it is SBs won by TEAMS..however bad plays by bad players or coaches can lose games that could have got you to Dance..Here in dallas we all remember those plays

2003 Sealte was blamed on Romo who shouldn't have been holding but really it was the bad spot and call by the refs on the lay before on an obvious first down and goal by Witten..I blame the refs

2007 Patrick Crayton 3 mental miscues sunk the momentum on 3 series and essentially lost us the game..

2014- well Murrays Fumble, Bailys missed FG and the Refs on Dez

2016- well thats team loss but really thats on the defense, they couldn't once again with only 1:13 left in the game with a full field ahead stop AR..

2017- well lots of errors all year team did account for the poor season but Chaz green and the coaches against ATL, and Dez in Seattle are root causes for the most failure, we can pick any two games that if they were won we make the playoffs(GB/Rams) and it was truly a team effort if there ever was for 2017 disappointment..


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for sure it is SBs won by TEAMS..however bad plays by bad players or coaches can lose games that could have got you to Dance..Here in dallas we all remember those plays

2003 Sealte was blamed on Romo who shouldn't have been holding but really it was the bad spot and call by the refs on the lay before on an obvious first down and goal by Witten..I blame the refs

2007 Patrick Crayton 3 mental miscues sunk the momentum on 3 series and essentially lost us the game..

2014- well Murrays Fumble, Bailys missed FG and the Refs on Dez

2016- well thats team loss but really thats on the defense, they couldn't once again with only 1:13 left in the game with a full field ahead stop AR..

2017- well lots of errors all year team did account for the poor season but Chaz green and the coaches against ATL, and Dez in Seattle are root causes for the most failure, we can pick any two games that if they were won we make the playoffs(GB/Rams) and it was truly a team effort if there ever was for 2017 disappointment..
Every team in the NFL has injuries, bad calls, suspensions, bad calls from the refs, etc. In fact, all NFL teams are measured by those adversities. The teams that find a way to overcome them are the ones who win in the playoffs. The ones who don't, usually make excuses. Or they refuse to accept excuses and get better.

Winners never accept an excuse...EVER. The first step in becoming a mentally tough football team is to not accept any excuses. This franchise has been soft for too long because its HC and GM embrace excuses as reasons why they didn't win. Truth? They didn't win because they weren't good enough. Period.


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I don't think there is any other sport that exemplifies team more than football.

This is worth repeating, and emphasizing, in an age where many players are “me 1st”, and many fans are hell bent on assigning full blame (or credit) for the team’s performance to one, or only a small handful of people within the organization.


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The Cowboys had the worst defense in francise history in 2013. They then lose the 3 best players from that defense in Ware, Lee, and Hatcher. The team went 12-4, made the playoffs and won a playoff game for the first time in 5 years.


Exactly, which is why I'm excited for Thursday. I'm excited to see what kind of team we build.


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2014- well Murrays Fumble, Bailys missed FG and the Refs on Dez

Sometimes I think the Murray fumble stings more than the Dez “catch”.

Murray had nothing but field in front of him. And as we all know he did have some fumbling issues overall that year.

Dez was just trying to make a play and we got screwed.

Maybe if Murray doesn’t fumble we’re never in that predicament at the end of the game. Domino effect stuff.


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Great individuals make up a great team. The term “great” can be misinterpreted. You’re only as strong as the weakest link on a team. In order to overcome that weakness you must go through it yourself before you can improve others.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You need a solid group of individuals, coaches and players to build a winning team.


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Good post Bob, and spot on. My hopes are the FO has come to this conclusion as of late. Though we need the star players to some extent, its wise to build a team. With injuries being part of the game, its likely the lowest man on the roster could be seeing time on the a team, and choose players wisely.


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If Bill could have built a defense here he certainly could have won with Romo.
Operative word there is "build". Belichick's first job as a HC in Cleveland didn't allow him to build it his way. Why do you think he shunned the Jets on that Parcells set up and went to NE? Same reason Parcells left the Giants. There is not a player that's been on a Belichick NE team that he didn't put his stamp on and some, like Chris Hogan, he followed them as far back as high school.

Johnson built the early 90's team and Parcells had the limited authority to build his team but beyond that Mr. Follow the Ball has been doing it and they've not had a good D capable of extending the season because Booger wants playmakers instead of players that prevent plays.

There has never been a part-time GM be successful in the NFL and no other owner would allow it. Booger has tried to apply the principles of wildcatting to a NFL team, luck. And it is going to take luck for this coaching staff to accomplish anything significant. They cannot raise the talent; the talent has to raise them.


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There is a reason why the term Garrett kind of player rose up early in his Cowboys coaching period.

That very point in the OP.

The team has never quit upon a Garrett coached team.

You know what bugs me about this...and I really am not trying to go off...but they don’t seem to quit...BUT they sure come out unprepared and behind the 8 ball a lot in many games. That’s one of my big beefs with a guy so rigid..why has the game prep been so bad at times?


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Yep which supports my point. Bill has never been to playoffs in NE without Brady.

Bills a solid coach. Brilliant defensive coach and works the Cap.

That's not really fair. Bill hasn't coached a season in New England without Brady on the roster.

Belichick did something even more significant , he got the Browns to the playoffs (without Brady).


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You know what bugs me about this...and I really am not trying to go off...but they don’t seem to quit...BUT they sure come out unprepared and behind the 8 ball a lot in many games. That’s one of my big beefs with a guy so rigid..why has the game prep been so bad at times?

I agree. The team does not punch an opponent in the mouth when the first bell is rung...and they play to an opponent's strengths by necessity too much.


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Having watched every NFL season for over 50 years, one certainty that I believe never changes is this: Great TEAMS win, not great individual players. It takes an entire roster, top to bottom to qualify for and win in the playoffs. Sure you have to have talent, but that talent must become a piece in the overall team puzzle. A player’s talent must become a contributing piece of the bigger whole. NFL history is littered with past rosters of super talented players that never learned to be a team.

If the Cowboys are going to take it to the next level, it will be because they put together a collection of talented players that learned to play well together as a team. And are able to overcome the adversity that WILL happen. And the Injuries that will happen. And the problems and distractions that will arise.

Great teams win not because they have the best players. They win because their team learns how to compete and overcome all adversity to win. No excuses.

As the draft approaches, I want to see this team draft the players whose talent will be moldable into a great contributing piece of the whole team.

Sometimes the most important draft pick is the 5th rounder who becomes a key backup who steps in when an injury happens to a starter and plays well enough for the team to win without that starter. That’s what this team needs. Let’s hope this draft produces some talent that makes this a whole TEAM.

Bob ,your posts are always a great source of common sense. Keep up the good work


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That's not really fair. Bill hasn't coached a season in New England without Brady on the roster.

Belichick did something even more significant , he got the Browns to the playoffs (without Brady).
Which is more than he did in his only season with New England (without Brady).


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Operative word there is "build". Belichick's first job as a HC in Cleveland didn't allow him to build it his way. Why do you think he shunned the Jets on that Parcells set up and went to NE? Same reason Parcells left the Giants. There is not a player that's been on a Belichick NE team that he didn't put his stamp on and some, like Chris Hogan, he followed them as far back as high school.

Johnson built the early 90's team and Parcells had the limited authority to build his team but beyond that Mr. Follow the Ball has been doing it and they've not had a good D capable of extending the season because Booger wants playmakers instead of players that prevent plays.

There has never been a part-time GM be successful in the NFL and no other owner would allow it. Booger has tried to apply the principles of wildcatting to a NFL team, luck. And it is going to take luck for this coaching staff to accomplish anything significant. They cannot raise the talent; the talent has to raise them.
If Jerry’s priority was building a championship team then he’d bring in someone capable .


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Every team in the NFL has injuries, bad calls, suspensions, bad calls from the refs, etc. In fact, all NFL teams are measured by those adversities. The teams that find a way to overcome them are the ones who win in the playoffs. The ones who don't, usually make excuses. Or they refuse to accept excuses and get better.

Winners never accept an excuse...EVER. The first step in becoming a mentally tough football team is to not accept any excuses. This franchise has been soft for too long because its HC and GM embrace excuses as reasons why they didn't win. Truth? They didn't win because they weren't good enough. Period.

really so lets name all the franchises that has overcome that, you know the ones with multiple championships or any championships? you act as if the Cowboys are all of a sudden bottom feeders in this league because a few teams who finally started winning have it all figured out, no the only team that can say that is NE and even they don't win it every year.... odd that this is so easy to overcome for real teams that they win it every year? it took Philly what 60 yrs to finally win one and now they are the tough have it all together have all the answers franchise now? no it took them there entire existence until last year to win SB..we have a many more skins on the wall than that and no team has the answers..

Its takes a lot of luck and timing to overcome those issues and Philly got that boost from those players they picked up late and not many people picked them when foles got the ball..their FO are not geniuses they made the effort and took the risk to go out all season and try and fill holes and this time it worked out..Most teams who do that it doesn't work, players you bring in don't help and do nothing..they caught fire, its the exception not the rule..

all of a sudden a team like Jacksonville or the Rams are the teams we should mimic, it took Jacksonville like 10 yrs of top 10 first round picks to finally have decent least we've been steady..the rams they finally get it and we are supposed to be like hey we should be like them?

there are example all over the league that will show the effect bad calls and injurys have on team, most fail and its valid it doesn't make them soft, it makes them fall victim to bad timing and bad luck..again when a team does overcome these issues its not the norm, there are true blueprints to winning, its actually been proven its the exception to the rule..


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really so lets name all the franchises that has overcome that, you know the ones with multiple championships or any championships? you act as if the Cowboys are all of a sudden bottom feeders in this league because a few teams who finally started winning have it all figured out, no the only team that can say that is NE and even they don't win it every year.... odd that this is so easy to overcome for real teams that they win it every year? it took Philly what 60 yrs to finally win one and now they are the tough have it all together have all the answers franchise now? no it took them there entire existence until last year to win SB..we have a many more skins on the wall than that and no team has the answers..

Its takes a lot of luck and timing to overcome those issues and Philly got that boost from those players they picked up late and not many people picked them when foles got the ball..their FO are not geniuses they made the effort and took the risk to go out all season and try and fill holes and this time it worked out..Most teams who do that it doesn't work, players you bring in don't help and do nothing..they caught fire, its the exception not the rule..

all of a sudden a team like Jacksonville or the Rams are the teams we should mimic, it took Jacksonville like 10 yrs of top 10 first round picks to finally have decent least we've been steady..the rams they finally get it and we are supposed to be like hey we should be like them?

there are example all over the league that will show the effect bad calls and injurys have on team, most fail and its valid it doesn't make them soft, it makes them fall victim to bad timing and bad luck..again when a team does overcome these issues its not the norm, there are true blueprints to winning, its actually been proven its the exception to the rule..
You want to judge a team’s toughnesss, either mentally or physically, look at their playoff record the last decade. Obviously, the Cowboys have not been mentally tough enough or physically talented enough to win consistently, especially in the playoffs. Like it not, that’s the truth. No excuses.

Bad luck? Bad calls? If I’m the GM or HC of this team I say “Cry me a river.” Or “Go cry on the asthma field”.The teams that accept excuses for why they don’t win are usually the teams watching the playoffs. Lady Luck is an occasional help to a team, but it’s never why a team wins a championship.

The Cowboys can get better and I believe can win another Lombardi soon. But it won’t be because our players all stayed healthy or that we didn’t get as many bad calls from the refs.


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You want to judge a team’s toughnesss, either mentally or physically, look at their playoff record the last decade. Obviously, the Cowboys have not been mentally tough enough or physically talented enough to win consistently, especially in the playoffs. Like it not, that’s the truth. No excuses.

Bad luck? Bad calls? If I’m the GM or HC of this team I say “Cry me a river.” Or “Go cry on the asthma field”.The teams that accept excuses for why they don’t win are usually the teams watching the playoffs. Lady Luck is an occasional help to a team, but it’s never why a team wins a championship.

The Cowboys can get better and I believe can win another Lombardi soon. But it won’t be because our players all stayed healthy or that we didn’t get as many bad calls from the refs.
so the group that chooses not to except is doing what whining online, yes! thats going to change everything.. those guys are gone now but you have to pretty much put 80% iof the NFL teams and their fans in my group because they aren't winning consistently in the playoffs either..

so why doesn't teams win 4 sbs in a row if they have it all figured out, most are one and done most in fact get ousted in the first round of the playoffs or don't make it at all..why are there constantly new playoff teams and new SB opponents? wheres all this TOUGH i got it figured out Teams? Seattle and San fran had a Burp and gone now playing horrible in San Fran ATL took a hard step back..

Let me know the Team that hires you as GM and team president or coach and we can than judge you like you judge them. we have Zero control as fans but oyal fans may complain about things that happen during the season or games but some here seem to hate everything Cowboys yet call themselves fans and want to judge fans who choose to reset and have hope the next season.. at least in Dallas we have a betters chance to be competitive and make the playoff most years and not the bottom feeders that don't have any chance but once or twice every may not be what we all want or expect but its better than those are a making it out to be..the skys always falling and they know everything better than the FO as if JJ/SJ and all those upper offices don't care and don't have clue..

BTW most of those "Players" who weren't making it happen or gone most of those coaches are gone ..some stil need to go by why they are here ill support and here them on until we are out of it every year..most teams turn over nearly 70% or more of the players every 5 years or so..We have so going back and whining about whats happened the last 25 years is futile and counter productive..

So go troll GB and tell them just because they lost AR and some other players they were soft and suck azz because they didnt even sniff the playoffs.. those are the norm, lose your big name stars and get some bad calls that a game or two turned not in your favor it can break your season..this is a League of Parody and the difference in winning an losing is so close those things do matter..its not an excuse but 1/2 games last year is all we were short for the is what it is..Philly was the exception last year, its uncommon..