Tear Jerkers... can you admit?

One that gets to me is during Forrest Gump when he finally meets his little son and then again when Jenny dies...
5Stars;2150127 said:
One that gets to me is during Forrest Gump when he finally meets his little son and then again when Jenny dies...

Not sure if I cried, but that got me too. Father-son stuff always gets me a bit choked up.

I had to be excused to the restroom in the 4th grade because I thought I was going to cry when Billy's dog dies in Where the Red Fern Grows. Pretty sure Old Yeller got me too...I can't stand it when dogs die...in literature, film, or real life.

The actions of the two Delta Snipers in Blackhawk Down get me choked up.

The only time I know I cried for sure during a movie was during Braveheart....but it was my freshman year in College and I was in my dorm room suffering from an allergic reaction to amoxycillin, so I blame the waterworks on the fact that I was drugged up watching a movie on a weekend during my freshman year of college...that's easily reason enough to cry by itself.

Saving Private Ryan. The whole movie makes me emotionally fatigued. This scene is one of my all time favorites.
tomson75;2150138 said:
Not sure if I cried, but that got me too. Father-son stuff always gets me a bit choked up.

I had to be excused to the restroom in the 4th grade because I thought I was going to cry when Billy's dog dies in Where the Red Fern Grows. Pretty sure Old Yeller got me too...I can't stand it when dogs die...in literature, film, or real life.

The actions of the two Delta Snipers in Blackhawk Down get me choked up.

The only time I know I cried for sure during a movie was during Braveheart....but it was my freshman year in College and I was in my dorm room suffering from an allergic reaction to amoxycillin, so I blame the waterworks on the fact that I was drugged up watching a movie on a weekend during my freshman year of college...that's easily reason enough to cry by itself.

Saving Private Ryan. The whole movie makes me emotionally fatigued. This scene is one of my all time favorites.

That was a good scene...and although it does not bring water to my eyes, it does give me goose bumps all over my arms!

And that is what usually happens to me when I watch a movie for the first time...if I start to get goose bumps, I know that somewhere during that show, the water will come! And if I'm watching a movie with my family or someone else when the tear jerkers start...I fake a sneeze (ah---chooo, ah -- choo...excuse me)...then I blow my nose like I had a sneeze rather than letting them know I WAS CRYING!!

Green Mile
Antione Fisher

Every loss the Cowboys had in a Superbowl and some playoffs(Danny White era)
peplaw06;2149970 said:

E.T. was the first movie I remember getting emotional from, and I still do to this day. Basically the whole last 30 minutes.

And the first time I saw The Green Mile. The ending caught me totally off guard, and I was balling like a baby. When MCD tells Tom Hanks not to put the black bag over his head cause he's scared of the dark... sheesh.

BTW. All of the "I'm a man, I don't cry" jokes... go You Tube Jimmy V's speech from the Espys.

No one in the thread is making those jokes?????
Vintage;2150523 said:
No one in the thread is making those jokes?????
There was this one.

MarionBarberThe4th;2149685 said:
im a man.....with a *****. so ive never cried during a movie. But I did feel like crying during an episode of the sopranos
can anyone guess which episode
ROMOSAPIEN9;2149781 said:
Saving Private Ryan - The opening D-Day beach invasion scene(s). The horror of war and death. The realization of what mankind has done to one another through time. It makes me sob.

What you wrote there reminds me of a scene from Planet of the Apes with Dr Zaius, Cornellius and Taylor:

"Beware the beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother, to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home, and yours. Shun him, for he is the harbinger of death. "
Ozzu;2149757 said:
That part always had the opposite effect on me. I always thought she dropped the ball on purpose to let her little sister finally "win". I didn't like her little sister, so that just made me angry.

The ASPCA commercial makes me sad. The Saving Private Ryan moment also gets me a bit.

I always thought it was quite clear she didn't drop it on purpose, but I was mainly referring to the moment she actually hit the ball, not necessarily the the part of them winning.

The younger sister was the one that truly loved the game, so I liked her a lot better.
ChldsPlay;2150575 said:
I always thought it was quite clear she didn't drop it on purpose, but I was mainly referring to the moment she actually hit the ball, not necessarily the the part of them winning.

The younger sister was the one that truly loved the game, so I liked her a lot better.

Wow... just goes to show you... people see things differently. :) ... I thought it was quite clear that she DID drop it... and the emphasis seemed to show that.
Two movies had me on the verge of tears.

At the end of Mask when Cher realizes her son has died and she lays down with him. On the walls are all the little simple things the kid loved -- his collection of baseball cards and stuff. His life was short and painful, but he found joy in little things.

And at the end of La Bamba when Ritchie's mother and brother find out from the radio that Ritchie died in the plan crash. Bob races to his mom's side as she was trying to hang laundry and they collapsed in each other's arms. A few moments later, Bob is walking across a bridge and he looks up into the sky and cries, "Ritchie ..... "

Those two scenes have a lot in common. Apparently what gets to me is seeing a parent or family member grieve over the loss of their child. It kills me.
Chief;2150822 said:
And at the end of La Bamba when Ritchie's mother and brother find out from the radio that Ritchie died in the plan crash. Bob races to his mom's side as she was trying to hang laundry and they collapsed in each other's arms. A few moments later, Bob is walking across a bridge and he looks up into the sky and cries, "Ritchie ..... "

Those two scenes have a lot in common. Apparently what gets to me is seeing a parent or family member grieve over the loss of their child. It kills me.

It almost seemed like Richies mom was saying "not my Richie, why not you worthless Bob"?
Brian's Song is probably the first time I ever cried at a movie. I didn't even realize I had that emotion in me. I thought I was watching a football movie. It was so much more important than that. I learned a lot from that movie.

The Outsiders when Johnny dies and tells Ponyboy to "stay gold" and to show Dally a sunset because he doesn't think he's ever seen one.

John Wayne dying in The Cowboys. Not just because the Duke shouldn't die, but because of him telling those boys he rode so hard that he was proud of them.

I'm sure there are others, but I don't think about it much.
thought of another one. Finding Neverland, (nothing to do with Michael Jackson) Johnny Depps character puts on a play for the mom of the boys that inspired it. the mom was dying but the play was brought to her home to see it. Watching the cynical Grandmother get caught up in the play and the hope it inspired was a great scene.
we had to watch The Killing Fields in my high school geography class. man, the rest of the day was really depressing.

also, we watched Life is Beautiful in high school too. talk about a misleading title :(
5Stars;2150127 said:
One that gets to me is during Forrest Gump when he finally meets his little son and then again when Jenny dies...

those were't as sad as Forrest talking to Jenny's grave
peplaw06;2149970 said:

E.T. was the first movie I remember getting emotional from, and I still do to this day. Basically the whole last 30 minutes.

And the first time I saw The Green Mile. The ending caught me totally off guard, and I was balling like a baby. When MCD tells Tom Hanks not to put the black bag over his head cause he's scared of the dark... sheesh.

BTW. All of the "I'm a man, I don't cry" jokes... go You Tube Jimmy V's speech from the Espys.

when MCD was watching the moving picture, that was pretty sad too

"they look like angles" :(
FloridaRob;2151317 said:
thought of another one. Finding Neverland, (nothing to do with Michael Jackson) Johnny Depps character puts on a play for the mom of the boys that inspired it. the mom was dying but the play was brought to her home to see it. Watching the cynical Grandmother get caught up in the play and the hope it inspired was a great scene.

thekavorka;2151384 said:
we had to watch The Killing Fields in my high school geography class. man, the rest of the day was really depressing.

also, we watched Life is Beautiful in high school too. talk about a misleading title :(

damn it you 2:(
Wow. You guys have mentioned a couple more that get me as well. The Green Mile and the black hood scene. Jeez. That was rough. Or when Tom Hanks is in the cell with MCD and says this line:

Paul Edgecomb: When I die and I stand before God awaiting judgment and he asks me why I let one of HIS miracles die, what am I gonna say, that it was my job?

That gets me everytime.

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