Tear Jerkers... can you admit?

JustSayNotoTO;2149800 said:
I diddnt cry, but after the first time I saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I sat down and seriously reconsidered my life and the way I act towards others.

Care to elaborate? I just finished watching it....
...but a documentary.

"Dear America: Letters from Vietnam".

If you can keep any political feelings out of focus as you watch this documentary it is a poignant and emotional look at the letters from real people in a difficult situation.

Here's a link to watch it online.


This is well worth your time. The last letter by a mother that was left on the memorial wall in Washington is one that is difficult to hold your emotions back. My wife was in absolute tears and it was hard to console her.

At the time my oldest son was only 15 months.
Jerry MacGuire - this one gets a plug cause Aikman is in it lol

  • the scene where Cuba tells that guy(name? made everyone cry?) "I aint gonna cry, you aint gonna make me"
  • "you had me at hello"

Meet Joe Black
- the exchanges with Hopkins and his "favorite" daughter especially the end when she knows where her father is going.
For some strange reason Cloverfield tried to yank out a few on me but it didn't.

That guy had to get to the girl he loved even under immense chaos/her bringing another guy to their party. Got me pumped.
Cinderella Man is another one, the scene where he has to beg for money to get his kids back gets me everytime.
I made the mistake of going to Big Fish (2003) soon after my father died. It tore me up. I cried like a little girl.

The lady in my life wanted to see Momma Mia, so I took her yesterday. I almost cried when Pierce Bronson started singing Abba's S.O.S. -- It was that painful. link
tecolote;2152140 said:
Cinderella Man is another one, the scene where he has to beg for money to get his kids back gets me everytime.

Great scene when he gives the money back to welfare?
YoMick;2152262 said:
Great scene when he gives the money back to welfare?

That's a great scene also, I love that movie.

I've been watching all these scenes from the thread on youtube this morning, I'm a mess right now and I've gotten absolutelly no work done.

Not bad for a monday.
Here are my picks:

Forrest Gump: When he is at Jenny's grave, always brings a lump to my throat.

The Notebook: at the end of the movie where James Garner climbs into bed with Gena Rowlands and they die together, (very sad)

The Bucket List: When Jack Nicholson reconciles with his daughter and meets his granddaughter for the first time (crosses off meeting the most beautiful girl in the world from the list) and when Matt puts Nicholsons ashes with Morgan Freemans ashes at the end of the movie. (tears were actually coming to my eyes)

Those are my picks
WOW I am a big wussie and my wife knows it.
Shoot lets see

Big Fish
American Beauty (great message)
Pay it Forward (another great message)
Pursuit of Happiness (which i can no longer watch)
300 (the pure history and magnitude of what they did)

Ok had to add Bruce Willis at the end of Armegedon(excuse spelling)

This one gave me a little lump in my throat today. I had the sound off when I watched it. I am glad I did. As I re-watched it to check if there was any commentary I found out it had a cheesy Whitney Houston song playing.

I agree with many of the movies that have been mentioned. I am probably the only person in the world that didn't like E.T., so it didn't get me choked up at all.
Schindler's List: The whole movie had be bawling.

American History X: The ending with his little brother getting killed.

Million Dollar Baby: Ending

The Seventh Sign: Demi dies as she's giving birth.

Titanic: "I'll never let go"

United 93

Watership Down
gambit187;2153449 said:
300 (the pure history and magnitude of what they did)

Yeah that was something... I STILL wanted him win and live though...

Boom;2154929 said:
American History X: The ending with his little brother getting killed.

Million Dollar Baby: Ending

Titanic: "I'll never let go"

United 93

AHX - that was something else... made you think about the darkness of some minds.

MDB - Wow... the love established between Clint and (adopted) daughter.
"I want you to do to me what my dad with our dog".... "dont ask me"

Titanic - She yearned, he delivered. Its that simple.

U93 - I wish I never watched it. Mother Flower!!
United 93 did not get me teary eyed but it sure bothered me. One lady walked out of the theatre where we were watching it, collapsed and paramedics had to be called. I think my blood pressure was definetely raised for that movie. Just really uncomfortable for me to watch it. I really debated going and like you MIck, I wished I hadn't.
FloridaRob;2155029 said:
United 93 did not get me teary eyed but it sure bothered me. One lady walked out of the theatre where we were watching it, collapsed and paramedics had to be called. I think my blood pressure was definetely raised for that movie. Just really uncomfortable for me to watch it. I really debated going and like you MIck, I wished I hadn't.

Yeah I saw World Trade Center by Stone first.... I think all of these movies were made way too soon... but no one cares about that anymore... money, money...

I think that if Stone really wanted to do it right he would have done ALL survivors(18-19?) instead of just the few(2?)
Like already mentioned:

E.T.- I haven't seen this since I was about 8 or 9.

Schindler's List- Saw this as a Sophmore in high school for a Social Studies Class, I don't think there was a dry eye in the classroom.
joseephuss;2153901 said:
I am probably the only person in the world that didn't like E.T., so it didn't get me choked up at all.
Nope. Me too. It's the one movie which I still hate Steven Spielberg for creating. Every time I see that Amblin (sp?) logo of the kid with the alien in the bicycle basket at the end of a movie or tv series, I practically hurl at the image.
Boom;2154929 said:
The Seventh Sign: Demi dies as she's giving birth.
I forgot that one. That's one on my cult favorites list. Love the movie's message of one person's sacrifice saving the world.
"The Jerry Jones Story." I cried when they rebuilt his face. I cried more when I saw the results.

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