Teen charged with texting while driving in fatal crash

Tony33;4517795 said:
It was an accident. There isn't this much venom towards Zimmerman in the other thread and he made a conscious choice to bring a gun, cause an altercation by his choices (he was warned to stop following the kid), and pull a gun and shot a child.

No way should this child receive 5 years behind bars. No matter how you slice it the punishment is excessive. You people clamoring for the Max would be the first crying foul if it was your kid.
Perhaps, because everyone wants to protect their own. However, 5 years isn't a lifetime and that's what is taken from the victims. You say "It was an accident" like someone knocked over your drink or something. Oh, just pour yourself a new one!
Tony33;4517795 said:
It was an accident.

No it wasn't. I'm not getting into punishment she deserves or not, but this girl made a conscience decision to text while driving. How is that an accident? In fact, very few traffic mishaps can be attributed to a random occurrence. Almost every mishap happens because something that can be prevented wasn’t.
Tony33;4517795 said:
It was an accident. There isn't this much venom towards Zimmerman in the other thread and he made a conscious choice to bring a gun, cause an altercation by his choices (he was warned to stop following the kid), and pull a gun and shot a child.

No way should this child receive 5 years behind bars. No matter how you slice it the punishment is excessive. You people clamoring for the Max would be the first crying foul if it was your kid.

Not an accident. It was a conscious decision to focus on texting instead of on driving.
SkinsandTerps;4517121 said:
I disagree with calling a vehicle a weapon. I don't think that is the point either. It is the manner in which the vehicle is used.

It has nothing to do with the weight of the object. It has to do with the manner in which any item that should be used with a certain level of responsibility is used.

But since you bring up weight...what do you think the phone weighs? Perhaps that is the cause not the vehicle. Just kidding. It's not the vehicle. It is the owner/operator.

One can debate this all day. The teen's sentence was too harsh IMO.
Sometimes I just can't understand our system.
Tony33;4517795 said:
It was an accident. There isn't this much venom towards Zimmerman in the other thread and he made a conscious choice to bring a gun, cause an altercation by his choices (he was warned to stop following the kid), and pull a gun and shot a child.

No way should this child receive 5 years behind bars. No matter how you slice it the punishment is excessive. You people clamoring for the Max would be the first crying foul if it was your kid.

Let's keep your odd interpretations of events confined to the appropriate thread.
daboyzruleperiod;4517821 said:
One can debate this all day. The teen's sentence was too harsh IMO.
Sometimes I just can't understand our system.

She has been charged, not convicted. The sentence is unknown at this point.
tupperware;4517805 said:
Perhaps, because everyone wants to protect their own. However, 5 years isn't a lifetime and that's what is taken from the victims. You say "It was an accident" like someone knocked over your drink or something. Oh, just pour yourself a new one!

Did you see my post on the victim's families views?
JBond;4517912 said:
She has been charged, not convicted. The sentence is unknown at this point.

Oh ok....was reading some previous posts and it sounded like the younster was charged. First I've heard about it was in here.
JBond;4517619 said:
I watched an interview of the victims family last night on the local news. None of them want the girl to go to jail. Thought I would mention it. Based on the family comments and prosecutor comments I could envision a short jail time and a long probation.

That's grace. They're in a position most really can't fully understand and grace under those circumstances is very impressive. Ignorance is different than malice and it should have a bearing on the outcome.
She made a deliberate decision to text while driving. Clearly she had done this before and would do it again.

Wilful negligence at the very least.

Frankly I call it involuntary manslaughter.

5 years is about right.
tupperware;4517805 said:
Perhaps, because everyone wants to protect their own. However, 5 years isn't a lifetime and that's what is taken from the victims. You say "It was an accident" like someone knocked over your drink or something. Oh, just pour yourself a new one!

Accident by a child and you don't think serving 5 years in adult prison as a child won't affect her for life.
Tony33;4517258 said:
This was an accident by a child.
Accidents are an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance.

This girl was texting and looking at her phone as she was driving.

Under that condition this was no accident.
Whatever I'm done with this thread. I'll allow all you self righteous folks talk about how great it would be to destroy this child life because of a mistake she made. It is pathetic.

It was an accident, she didn't deliberately try and hurt someone. She made a mistake.
Tony33;4517987 said:
Accident by a child and you don't think serving 5 years in adult prison as a child won't affect her for life.
It should affect her life, what the heck is this? Accident or not, did anyone ask for the victims opinion on this? Why not? Oh, that's right.

Someone lost their life due to the negligence of someone else. They're not losing THEIR life for it. As far as # of years.. I'm not going to get all in to numbers. The point is, the punishment should be harsh and it should make a lasting impression on not only her, but every teenager out there.
tupperware;4518154 said:
It should affect her life, what the heck is this? Accident or not, did anyone ask for the victims opinion on this? Why not? Oh, that's right.

Someone lost their life due to the negligence of someone else. They're not losing THEIR life for it. As far as # of years.. I'm not going to get all in to numbers. The point is, the punishment should be harsh and it should make a lasting impression on not only her, but every teenager out there.

lol...I was going to say what is this prison or summer camp? It SHOULD affect her the rest of her life. It's prison.
casmith07;4518207 said:
lol...I was going to say what is this prison or summer camp? It SHOULD affect her the rest of her life. It's prison.

Yeah I don't get it.
Tony33;4518062 said:
Whatever I'm done with this thread. I'll allow all you self righteous folks talk about how great it would be to destroy this child life because of a mistake she made. It is pathetic.

It was an accident, she didn't deliberately try and hurt someone. She made a mistake.

What part about - "it is illegal to text while driving" - don't you get?

So......if someone goes out driving drunk and accidentally kills someone, there should be no penalty because it wasn't done deliberately? It was just a mistake???

Illegal is illegal. Period.

Years ago, penalties for DWI were not as big as they are today, in large part, because it took a lot of lost lives to figure out how serious a problem it was.

Texting while driving is considered by many (ands tests prove)to be more dangerous than dui/dwi.

Let's not wait 20 years and thousands of lost lives to figure out how serious a problem it is.

I'd hate to wait for "mothers against texting while driving" to be formed because the laws aren't tough enough.
Sarge;4518437 said:
What part about - "it is illegal to text while driving" - don't you get?

So......if someone goes out driving drunk and accidentally kills someone, there should be no penalty because it wasn't done deliberately? It was just a mistake???

Illegal is illegal. Period.

Years ago, penalties for DWI were not as big as they are today, in large part, because it took a lot of lost lives to figure out how serious a problem it was.

Texting while driving is considered by many (ands tests prove)to be more dangerous than dui/dwi.

Let's not wait 20 years and thousands of lost lives to figure out how serious a problem it is.

I'd hate to wait for "mothers against texting while driving" to be formed because the laws aren't tough enough.

Whatever, you're so self righteous. Wouldn't want anyone to have to pay for killing someone *gasp* it may... ruin their life!

Buh, Buh, Your Honor.. I didn't mean it. It was just really important for me to text my friend about American Idol. I mean.. if you just slap me on the wrist I PWOMISE I won't do it again. PWOMISE!

I mean.. I can't go to jail for this, I'm too young to learn a lesson about killing someone due to my own negligence. And just imagine what would happen if I learned an important lesson over this, I may never be able to kill someone else with my own stupidity!

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