Tell Me If You Would Pay For This

"It must be nice to have no idea & no concern about how much money you're dishing out every month. I count my money every day to make sure none of it is missing"

Whoa there! :) That isn't me! We have it tight every month. And I check on almost everything. I just count Sunday Ticket as a GIVEN, so no need to check except to make sure that I got the automatic renewal.
Its my opinion that eventually you will be able to get almost everything on a pay per view type basis. Might be through cable or satellite, might be through broadband.

The trick is going to be dealing with advertising and dealing with groups like the sports leagues that are trying to find the most lucrative deal they can.

On Demand is already starting to go this way.
How do you get Sunday Ticket for $100? I pay almost $200.

SB, I am in my 5th year of Sunday Ticket and am also paying about $200. My price went up some this year. Can anyone shed light on this? Are some of us getting screwed by DTV?
He is NOT. He said he did not know, just through out the 100.00 figure. We all pay 200+. You save, I think 15% for yearly renewal.
CactusCowboy said:
He is NOT. He said he did not know, just through out the 100.00 figure. We all pay 200+. You save, I think 15% for yearly renewal.

Thank you Cactus, you are correct. I didn't mean to start a directtv Sunday ticket riot. ;)
All of us know that it would depend on the season.

I record every Commanders game on DVD and have for several years. So it wouldnt be a worthwhile investment for me.

Sunday ticket would be a bargain for me even if it was 400 bucks a year. I love it and would spend plenty for it. Best seats in the house, cheap beer, no $5 hotdogs, twice the nachos for half the price. It is just easier.
Sportsbabe said:
How do you get Sunday Ticket for $100? I pay almost $200.

I was wondering the same thing, Just ordered Sunday Ticket Opening Day, price 239.00. If he can get it for 100 i will contract thru him next year lol
SkinsandTerps said:
All of us know that it would depend on the season.

I record every Commanders game on DVD and have for several years. So it wouldnt be a worthwhile investment for me.

Sunday ticket would be a bargain for me even if it was 400 bucks a year. I love it and would spend plenty for it. Best seats in the house, cheap beer, no $5 hotdogs, twice the nachos for half the price. It is just easier.

Don't give them any idea's
kingwhicker said:
In a heartbeat- but I want the commercials included.

Yep, I agree.

I have some games from the 70's. The games are great. The commercials are better. :D
Champsheart said:
No I would not pay for it. All I would care about though is the Cowboy games, and I have taped them for years now.

I love the Sunday Ticket thought!

My thoughts exactly.....thanks
You might get your wish, just write them a letter saying you are willing to pay an extra $100 for something. I just got a letter from them saying since I subscribed to Super Fan for $49 instead of the original $100, I will get SuperFan next year for $49, AND, how would I like to get an interactive controller so I could add audio to any of the games I'm watching on the multi-game screen they have. Of course, it isn't compatible with HD, which is the only reason I have SuperFan.

Directv is a classic example of: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
OVER $200 plus another $49 to get the SuperFan package just so I can see the games in HD.
I'm suprized that the NFL does not hook up with Pay per view or their own pay per view network. Hooked into the same channells as the Sunday ticket.
You pay $100.00 get 25 games.
You could see a lot of older classic games that way.
With the computer hookup they have now - should not be a problem.
rcaldw said:
What if they ran it in the offseason? With the NFL network coming into existence you can see that they are wanting to make NFL coverage a year round experience. I would certainly enjoy a weekly schedule at that time of year.

I wish the NFL network would rebroadcast regular season games during the week as they did this past preseason.

I would never change the channel. Ever.
I wouldn't and don't pay for the NFL of todays Sunday Ticket- why would I throw good money away on a bad product? Unless I want to watch a different team. I at least know what I'm getting with those older years.
rcaldw said:
Maybe I do too :), I'm on automatic renewal. :(

Then I think you pay ~$200 too. Thats what they nail me for unfortunatly. :( Oh well, to watch every Cowboys game, or others, here on my couch in the boston's worth it.
rcaldw said:
We pay around $100.00 a season for Sunday Ticket.

They want like $280 for the NFL think on direct TV for me? It was almost $70 a month for 4 months?


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