Tell Me If You Would Pay For This


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We pay around $100.00 a season for Sunday Ticket. Would you pay $100.00, if Directtv could work a deal with the NFL, or whomever it would require a deal with, to have an entire PAST SEASON broadcast to your home week by week.

For example, I could order 1977 and week by week I would get the network broadcast from that season just as if it were live?

I know that I would, and I wonder why they aren't doing something like this. Do you think that they still have all the network broadcasts from past seasons?
Btw, one quick further comment. If I couldn't have all the teams, I would pay $100.00 just to have a past season of Cowboys games to watch.
rcaldw said:
We pay around $100.00 a season for Sunday Ticket. Would you pay $100.00, if Directtv could work a deal with the NFL, or whomever it would require a deal with, to have an entire PAST SEASON broadcast to your home week by week.

For example, I could order 1977 and week by week I would get the network broadcast from that season just as if it were live?

I know that I would, and I wonder why they aren't doing something like this. Do you think that they still have all the network broadcasts from past seasons?

No I would not pay for it. All I would care about though is the Cowboy games, and I have taped them for years now.

I love the Sunday Ticket thought!
rcaldw said:
Btw, one quick further comment. If I couldn't have all the teams, I would pay $100.00 just to have a past season of Cowboys games to watch.

I would pay...... I would love to see some of the 1970's games again. Commercial free of course.
Yes, I would pay, if it included preseason, the pre-game shows, regular season and playoffs.
rcaldw said:
We pay around $100.00 a season for Sunday Ticket. Would you pay $100.00, if Directtv could work a deal with the NFL, or whomever it would require a deal with, to have an entire PAST SEASON broadcast to your home week by week.

For example, I could order 1977 and week by week I would get the network broadcast from that season just as if it were live?

I know that I would, and I wonder why they aren't doing something like this. Do you think that they still have all the network broadcasts from past seasons?

I would already know the outcome of the game so no. The excitement about sports is you don't know the outcome.
lurkercowboy said:
Yes, I would pay, if it included preseason, the pre-game shows, regular season and playoffs.

I mean, imagine hearing the old announcers call the games. Frank Glieber calling the Cowboys games. Plays that you forgot, watching games unfold instead of just seeing the "highlights" of those games.

I would really enjoy it.
Doomsday101 said:
I would already know the outcome of the game so no. The excitement about sports is you don't know the outcome.

What if they ran it in the offseason? With the NFL network coming into existence you can see that they are wanting to make NFL coverage a year round experience. I would certainly enjoy a weekly schedule at that time of year.
rcaldw said:
What if they ran it in the offseason? With the NFL network coming into existence you can see that they are wanting to make NFL coverage a year round experience. I would certainly enjoy a weekly schedule at that time of year.

Not for $100.00 extra
The one reason I might do this is so that my Son could have the opportunity to see guys like Roger Stauback play in his prime. I would like to be able to show him Earl Campbell at 25 years old. For that, it would have value to me.
The one reason I might do this is so that my Son could have the opportunity to see guys like Roger Stauback play in his prime. I would like to be able to show him Earl Campbell at 25 years old. For that, it would have value to me.

I agree. My 12 year old son, right now, will sit down to watch NFL films and see for himself some of these all time greats, but you can't really get a feel for how they played. Dorsett for example was a hit, hit, hit, BUST ONE, kind of runner, and just watching highlights doesn't give you that. Roger was fantastic, but he could also be horrid in stretches and then pull it out in the end.
Damn haent paid a 100 bucks for the ticket since like 1995 when we had to use the big c-band dish. I think it was 89.99 or 99.00 But how in the hell do u pay 100.00 bucks for it now? I think I paid 189.00 this yr
rcaldw said:
Maybe I do too :), I'm on automatic renewal. :(

It must be nice to have no idea & no concern about how much money you're dishing out every month. I count my money every day to make sure none of it is missing :laugh2: .

As I type this message, I'm on the phone with MCI threatening to move my home phone service for charging me a monthly 99 cent fee for "Paper Billing". Then they have the nerve to say "but wait, save a dollar on your bill every month by paying on-line". :mad: How is that saving money? Basically that's extortion. They are charging me an extra dollar to strong-arm me into paying my bill on-line. Well, I'm here to tell them that I will not be bullied ;) . I want to see my phone bill in writing every month. I want to make sure no porno or international calls "mysteriously" show up on my bill
Sportsbabe said:
It must be nice to have no idea & no concern about how much money you're dishing out every month. I count my money every day to make sure none of it is missing :laugh2: .

As I type this message, I'm on the phone with MCI threatening to move my home phone service for charging me a monthly 99 cent fee for "Paper Billing". Then they have the nerve to say "but wait, save a dollar on your bill every month by paying on-line". :mad: How is that saving money? Basically that's extortion. They are charging me an extra dollar to strong-arm me into paying my bill on-line. Well, I'm here to tell them that I will not be bullied ;) . I want to see my phone bill in writing every month. I want to make sure no porno or international calls "mysteriously" show up on my bill

Are you using the term "mysteriously" loosely, or are you telling me you have a teenager in the house?


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