Texas highway would be the first to allow 85 mph speed limit

I just recently drove from Houston to San Diego. There is a stretch out of San Antonio heading west, closer to Fort Stockton where the speed limit is already 85 and it is posted too. There is a slight chance it was 80, but I am pretty sure it was 85 because I could not believe it.
I think the highest speed I've ever driven was a little over 100 mph on the autobahn. Things on the side are like a blur at high speeds. Only drove that speed for a little to see what it was like. Didn't feel confortable or safe to me. And a flat tire at that speed and it is most likely all over.

I'm quite happy driving 55-65 mph. I'm in no hurry to get wherever.
dexternjack;4586632 said:
I just recently drove from Houston to San Diego. There is a stretch out of San Antonio heading west, closer to Fort Stockton where the speed limit is already 85 and it is posted too. There is a slight chance it was 80, but I am pretty sure it was 85 because I could not believe it.
I used to live in Ft. Stockton. There was a diner there called Cal's Fried Chicken that I swear had the best hamburger and fries I have ever eaten. When Dale was getting married we were going to stay one night in Ft. Stockton on the way back and that is where I wanted to eat.

It was a flower shop. Broke my heart.
dexternjack;4586632 said:
I just recently drove from Houston to San Diego. There is a stretch out of San Antonio heading west, closer to Fort Stockton where the speed limit is already 85 and it is posted too. There is a slight chance it was 80, but I am pretty sure it was 85 because I could not believe it.

No, it was only 80 mph. They haven't made any roads 85 mph yet.

From what I understand, when they first proposed the 85 mph speed limit, they were only going to assign that speed to new roads. Roads that were designed under more modern technologies to accommodate those types of speeds.
Hostile;4586653 said:
I used to live in Ft. Stockton. There was a diner there called Cal's Fried Chicken that I swear had the best hamburger and fries I have ever eaten. When Dale was getting married we were going to stay one night in Ft. Stockton on the way back and that is where I wanted to eat.

It was a flower shop. Broke my heart.
That always hurts. There is a place my dad used to take me on road trips in LaGrange, Tx (Home of the chicken ranch :)) that had the best ever chicken fried steak. It was served with a yellow chicken gravy and homemade curly fries. Was at a place called the Cottonwood Inn and they underwent new owners years ago and removed it from the menu :(

Had such nice memories from that place as a kid with just me and my dad. Now I live in Pacifica, Ca and nowhere to be found is a chk. fried steak, heck, they dont even know what it is.
dexternjack;4586668 said:
That always hurts. There is a place my dad used to take me on road trips in LaGrange, Tx (Home of the chicken ranch :)) that had the best ever chicken fried steak. It was served with a yellow chicken gravy and homemade curly fries. Was at a place called the Cottonwood Inn and they underwent new owners years ago and removed it from the menu :(

Had such nice memories from that place as a kid with just me and my dad. Now I live in Pacifica, Ca and nowhere to be found is a chk. fried steak, heck, they dont even know what it is.

How How How :laugh1:
dexternjack;4586668 said:
That always hurts. There is a place my dad used to take me on road trips in LaGrange, Tx (Home of the chicken ranch :)) that had the best ever chicken fried steak. It was served with a yellow chicken gravy and homemade curly fries. Was at a place called the Cottonwood Inn and they underwent new owners years ago and removed it from the menu :(

Had such nice memories from that place as a kid with just me and my dad. Now I live in Pacifica, Ca and nowhere to be found is a chk. fried steak, heck, they dont even know what it is.

Screw that.. you need to come back to Texas.
Sam I Am;4586576 said:
I knew about Montana, but not Nevada. Montana I believe has one now, but they don't (or didn't) enforce it. They put it in place I believe because the government said they had to have one or they would stop funding Montana highways.

Montana has a speed limit now but you can still drive fast on the highway. A couple years ago I was doing 80 MPH and a cop passed and did not even look at me. People were flying by me easily doing 95+ and it was just business as usual. From what I have been told is they mainly care if you are driving stupid and or extremely fast.
Sam I Am;4586576 said:
I knew about Montana, but not Nevada.

Nevada before 1973 had no posted limit on rural roads and freeways. It was "reasonable and proper" but no limit. It was actually Nevada that lost Federal funding and not Montana.

Montana changed due to legal fight. Here is a blurb about it from Wikipedia.

On March 10, 1996,[106] a Montana patrolman issued a speeding ticket to a driver traveling at 85 mph (136 km/h) on a stretch of State Highway 200. The 50 year-old driver (Rudy Stanko) was operating a 1996 Camaro with less than 10,000 miles (16,093 km) on the odometer. Although the officer gave no opinion as to what would have been a reasonable speed, the driver was convicted. The driver appealed to the Montana Supreme Court. The Court reversed the conviction in case No. 97-486 on December 23, 1998; it held that a law requiring drivers to drive at a non-numerical "reasonable and proper" speed "is so vague that it violates the Due Process Clause ... of the Montana Constitution".

Effective May 28, 1999, as a result of that decision, the Montana Legislature established a speed limit of 75 mph.
03EBZ06;4586429 said:
Can't drive 55? … 65? … 75? How about 85?

A stretch of Texas highway may soon be the first road in the country to have a posted 85 mph speed limit.

The Texas Department of Transportation said this week that part of a toll road being built between Austin and San Antonio will be tested to see if motorists can safely push it to 85.

"It was designed under extremely high design parameters," Darren McDaniel, the state's Speed Management Director told WOAI radio.

Texas and Utah are the only states with 80-mph limits on some roadways. But Texas turned heads when lawmakers gave the green light to go to 85 if needed.

"The higher the speed limit, the more accidents there are, the more injuries and the more deaths," Jerry Johns, president of the Southwest Insurance Information Institute, told Reuters last year.

For rest ----> http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/texas-highway-first-allow-85-mph-speed-limit-154924311.html

Man, I need to move to Texas! :D

Most people do that anyway.
Rynie;4586526 said:
Everyone drives that fast anyways, so it won't be a huge change, imo.

The change comes in that most people think there's a 5 MPH grace zone where you can go 79 in a 75 and you won't get a ticket.

Now, people will go 89 in an 85.
Hoofbite;4586798 said:
The change comes in that most people think there's a 5 MPH grace zone where you can go 79 in a 75 and you won't get a ticket.

Now, people will go 89 in an 85.
I know some out there think this way. I mean, I've heard stories. Not that I'd know, myself. :look: No, not me.

Are there any Police Officers who are Zone members and who might be willing to confirm, or shoot holes in, whether this sort of thinking holds water? Is there a grace zone of up to 5 MPH over the speed limit, or do we ... I mean, they ... get got?
03EBZ06;4586484 said:
I would be going 100+ with my Z06 :D

That wouldn't be a black 2001 manual transmission you're in the process of buying by any chance?
wittenacious;4586838 said:
I know some out there think this way. I mean, I've heard stories. Not that I'd know, myself. :look: No, not me.

Are there any Police Officers who are Zone members and who might be willing to confirm, or shoot holes in, whether this sort of thinking holds water? Is there a grace zone of up to 5 MPH over the speed limit, or do we ... I mean, they ... get got?

I have gotten 3 tickets in my life. One of them just a few weeks ago. All of them were for 5 mph over and by city cops trying to make money. 30 in a 25, 45 in a 40, and 70 in a 65 (that was in Royse City outside of Dallas, slow down heard many stories about this town). And I have gotten a warning by a highway patrolman for going 85 in a 70.

So I would say follow all speed limits in the city. And on the highway I wouldn't push it too much over 5 unless the rest of traffic is also going faster. JMO.
There is already a toll road near austin(goes to lockhart and other towns)with speed limit of 80,its really deserted though.
reddyuta;4587121 said:
There is already a toll road near austin(goes to lockhart and other towns)with speed limit of 80,its really deserted though.

That is the one they are talking about.
SaltwaterServr;4586854 said:
That wouldn't be a black 2001 manual transmission you're in the process of buying by any chance?
lol, no. My tranny is working just fine.
03EBZ06;4587197 said:
lol, no. My tranny is working just fine.

There is a perverted joke there but I must...be....good.:laugh2:
cowboyeric8;4587056 said:
I have gotten 3 tickets in my life. One of them just a few weeks ago. All of them were for 5 mph over and by city cops trying to make money. 30 in a 25, 45 in a 40, and 70 in a 65 (that was in Royse City outside of Dallas, slow down heard many stories about this town). And I have gotten a warning by a highway patrolman for going 85 in a 70.

So I would say follow all speed limits in the city. And on the highway I wouldn't push it too much over 5 unless the rest of traffic is also going faster. JMO.

Royse City is a NOTORIOUS speed trap as is Splendora on the way to Houston...

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