Thanks fer inneruptin' mah TV show

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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Last night I hooked my laptop up to my TV via an HDMI cable to watch a TV show on Hulu. Right when the show started getting fascinating, the following window popped up:


So I dragged my tired butt out of the comfy easy chair I had settled into and went to the computer and clicked on the close button. Then Flash crashed, kicking me out of my show. So I restarted the browser and went back to the link to my show. However, it wouldn't let me pick up where I left off. If I tried to set it about 20 minutes into it, it got stuck playing nothing but ads.

So I started over. Isn't technology fun?


Safety third
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I've about had enough. My phone auto updated last week and is now slow and clunky whereas it was just fine before.

Last night my laptop refused to play audio from Youtube as well as from some videos I took with my phone. Audio still works from other sources.

I don't have the time/energy /desire to root/reflash/search driver updates/trouble shoot problems that pop up out of nowhere more often than not caused by some "upgrade".

One step closer to that cabin in the woods and "crazy old guy that lives out in the woods" status.


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I've about had enough. My phone auto updated last week and is now slow and clunky whereas it was just fine before.

Last night my laptop refused to play audio from Youtube as well as from some videos I took with my phone. Audio still works from other sources.

I don't have the time/energy /desire to root/reflash/search driver updates/trouble shoot problems that pop up out of nowhere more often than not caused by some "upgrade".

One step closer to that cabin in the woods and "crazy old guy that lives out in the woods" status.

dont let things auto update, fixes it everytime

Denim Chicken

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I have one. Its not a TV, Its a little box that lets you stream wireless from CPU to TV. Also has Hulu and Netflix aps.

Reverend Conehead

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Get an Apple TV

The laptop is a dual boot with Kubuntu Linux and Windows 7. I was disappointed that under Linux my screen didn't properly output to my TV, so I used Windows. I should be able to solve the Kubuntu problem. Kubuntu is way less intrusive with updates than Windows is. Instead of popups all the time, a little icon in the panel (known in Windows as the system tray) shows up, letting you know there are updates. In full screen for the TV show, I would not even have seen it until the show was over. So hopefully I'll tinker and get it working with Linux. Linux is always my first choice. I only will use Windows as a last resort.

Or I could become a hermit in a remote cabin in the woods like the other guy suggested. Sometimes that option seems really attractive.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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... that said an Apple TV is not out of the question. I've considered devices like Roku. Those look pretty slick. The downside is they don't give you all Internet TV. They only give you what they've programmed on. I watch TV shows from Quebec, Canada, from France, and from Switzerland none of which are in Roku. Do you know if an Apple TV can do any Internet TV, unlike Roku?

Of course my other options are to tinker with Linux and get it working (without having to pay anything) or to always remember to make sure my browser is up to date in Windows before doing any TV.