Don't fall for the fallacy that this has no effect on the team or that they don't notice every single word...anyone who's ever played sports will tell you differently. You try to ignore it; you tell yourself it doesn't matter when you walk out on the field to play, but the bottom line is you are aware of everything that goes on.
Most players are sports fans like us...they watch ESPN religiously. Every time T.O. opens his mouth and talks about not trying, feeling alone, will confront a snitch, blah blah blah, instead of taking responsibility for his errors, they all see, hear, and notice it. They all have their opinions, and even those who like T.O. and don't think it matters are affected on some level by the circus.
Guys who go to the superbowl for the first time are often sidetracked and lose focus over the media circus. Teammates who are more old-school and would like to see T.O. suck it up and act like it matters to stay awake in meeting or to listen when your coach is giving a speech or at least give the impression to the world that our team is totally focused on football and the next opponent all week, have to wonder what's going on, especially the younger guys, and we have a young team.
When you see one of your better players, a guy who's supposed to be taking you to the promised land, acting like this, don't tell me it doesn't at least make some subtle has to. To say it doesn't is sticking your head in the sand or somewhere else.
The sky is not's what we signed up for when we brought T.O. in, so there's no reason to act shocked or upset...we knew we were sacrificing any type of normalcy and risking this very weekly circus act in exchange for a very good WR. So let's not pretend this is just so shocking...but let's not be fools and lie to ourselves and others and pretend it doesn't make any difference...that's idiotic as well.
Anything going on around your team and in the locker room that isn't helping your team in some way is hurting your team in some way.