CFZ That sound you're hearing is the hype machine warming up


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Hey Coog. I think I've ever only blocked two people. No one in quite a while. I really would prefer to interact with everyone cause there are valuable viewpoints even in things we disagree on. But it is hard sometimes especially when the other person refuses to acknowledge any validity to counter arguments and resorts to name calling & deflection.
Respect what you're saying


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Get off your high horse. I have never said I’m a better fan than anyone else and I don’t hate people who criticize the team. I‘m disgusted with people who post their hate for the team daily in every thread.
Then don't come to this forum. Get to stepping. As soon as Reality makes a rule that says "All posts must be positive and anyone that posts something negative about any aspect of the Dallas Cowboys organization will be banned for life" then you can have your little fairy tale wonderland with Unicorns, Balloons and Lollipops.


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Then don't come to this forum. Get to stepping. As soon as Reality makes a rule that says "All posts must be positive and anyone that posts something negative about any aspect of the Dallas Cowboys organization will be banned for life" then you can have your little fairy tale wonderland with Unicorns, Balloons and Lollipops.
:facepalm: Love it when one of your types hates me.


Junior College Transfer
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We are just a few weeks away from Cowboys 2024 training camp and everything that it implies. NFL Football is just around the corner and after a mostly disappointing and head scratching off-season, the Cowboys will once again head to Oxnard, California to begin preparations for this storied franchise’s 65th season. And the best hype and sales machine in all of professional sports is about to gear up again.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with fans getting excited and hopeful about another season. I fault no one who gets excited about TC, pre-season games and the daily reports we get from camp about which unheralded players are looking great. I’m looking forward to having some real football to get excited about myself.

But count me among those who don't get too excited about training camp, ps games or reports of players who are having a “great camp” this summer. I take most of that hype with a huge grain of salt until the real bullets fly in games that count in the standings starting in September.

So here are some typical “hype” statements I’m almost guaranteeing we will hear in the coming weeks:
  • “__________ is having a great camp.” (Generic statement usually made about a young player who if he makes the team will probably only be on STs)
  • ”__________ is in the best shape of his life.” (Translation: It means nothing)
  • Some beat writer who covers practices will mention a “spectacular catch” or other great play made by some unheralded player who more than likely won’t make the team. (Remember the great catches made by the likes of TE Rico Gathers or WR TJ Vasher? Gathers had 3 career catches in a season and a half of NFL football, and Vasher never played a down of a regular season game. But they had great camps!)
  • ”________ is just out there making plays“. (Translation: We don’t have anything specific to say but we want you to get excited anyway)
Again, if you are a fan who gets exited about training camp or pre-season games, I support you enjoying all of it. I understand why many love it. I hope you will also understand why I just wait until September to get excited because to me so much of TC and preseason games are just hype.

So in a few weeks training camp opens and the hype machine begins its messaging. Hope we can all have fun with it however we choose.
"He's intelligent and has good hands."


Well-Known Member
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I’m really sorry Bob that you’ve become a hopeless fan who can’t get excited about the new season. That’s unfortunate. You sound like a band wagon fan waiting until the games start to “possibly” get on the train. If they do bad, then you have an out. To each his own but please don’t try and take the pleasure out of those of us who do appreciate and enjoy everything about training camp with your “I’m not onboard until they prove it” declaration.
I just watch part of the games. Nothing to get excited about. Dallas is going nowhere again this rebuilding year.


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I’ve never bragged about living in Hawaii or having 500k in the bank. You haters will lie about anything to try and make yourselves feel better.
Please stop with the haters comment. I am getting tired of hearing it. It is just meaningless dribble.


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I find it sad when people call other members bandwagon fans simply because they are unhappy with the current state of the team despite the fact they have been fans their entire lives and are here, on a Cowboys forum site of all places, posting day after day.

Bandwagon fans are people who become fans when a team wins big games and disappear when teams lose or miss those games.

Since the Cowboys have not won a big game in 29 years, I think every Cowboys fan who posts on this forum week after week, month after month, etc. has more than proven they are not bandwagon fans.

I understand that you hate when people criticize the team, but after 29 years of failured seasons, I think Cowboys fans .. all of them .. deserve the right to be upset, disappointed, disillusioned and/or frustrated about the current state of the team.

Just because you "believe" every year does not make you a better fan nor does questioning the team's decisions and directions make other fans bad fans.
Excellent post Reality!!!


Well-Known Member
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We are just a few weeks away from Cowboys 2024 training camp and everything that it implies. NFL Football is just around the corner and after a mostly disappointing and head scratching off-season, the Cowboys will once again head to Oxnard, California to begin preparations for this storied franchise’s 65th season. And the best hype and sales machine in all of professional sports is about to gear up again.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with fans getting excited and hopeful about another season. I fault no one who gets excited about TC, pre-season games and the daily reports we get from camp about which unheralded players are looking great. I’m looking forward to having some real football to get excited about myself.

But count me among those who don't get too excited about training camp, ps games or reports of players who are having a “great camp” this summer. I take most of that hype with a huge grain of salt until the real bullets fly in games that count in the standings starting in September.

So here are some typical “hype” statements I’m almost guaranteeing we will hear in the coming weeks:
  • “__________ is having a great camp.” (Generic statement usually made about a young player who if he makes the team will probably only be on STs)
  • ”__________ is in the best shape of his life.” (Translation: It means nothing)
  • Some beat writer who covers practices will mention a “spectacular catch” or other great play made by some unheralded player who more than likely won’t make the team. (Remember the great catches made by the likes of TE Rico Gathers or WR TJ Vasher? Gathers had 3 career catches in a season and a half of NFL football, and Vasher never played a down of a regular season game. But they had great camps!)
  • ”________ is just out there making plays“. (Translation: We don’t have anything specific to say but we want you to get excited anyway)
Again, if you are a fan who gets exited about training camp or pre-season games, I support you enjoying all of it. I understand why many love it. I hope you will also understand why I just wait until September to get excited because to me so much of TC and preseason games are just hype.

So in a few weeks training camp opens and the hype machine begins its messaging. Hope we can all have fun with it however we choose.
Great post Bob, as usual.

As for me, this is the least hyped I have been for a Cowboy's season in some time.

Jerry and his idiot boy did absolutely jack to upgrade the team in the offseason. I know they avoid free agency like the plague, but we usually at least sign our own. We didnt even do that this year.

I mean, King Henry has a house 18 miles from ATT Stadium and the Cowboys didnt even bother to pick the phone up to give him a call. That is just blatant laziness and not even caring about trying to upgrade the team.

So, if the Cowboys dont care, why should I?


Junior College Transfer
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A cautionary tale about the personal perception of someone else as a fan. I greatly enjoy visits to my favorite barbershop, which I settled upon many moons ago. Talking about football is one of those fun things to do there.

A new guy showed up during one of my visits. Never saw him before. He asked one of the barbers if he needed an appointment. One said they could fit him in that time but to reserve a spot from then on.

We both sat in chairs next to each other when it was our turn. One of the barbers asked, as he always did, what I thought about the Cowboys' last game. I gave my two cents, which sparked all the barbers and almost all the other customers into giving their two cents as well. One thing is seemingly true about a Cowboys football conversation. It gets lively no matter what.

The new guy's barber asked him who his favorite team was. He said he was a Cowboys fan. That perked up my ears, so I started peppering him about key points during the game. All of his answers were deadpanned. Half of those were pretty dismissal.

I saw him at least twice (I think) at the barbershop afterwards. He was pretty static in discussing what happened in other games as well. My best friend was getting a haircut on last occasion too. He is a 49er fan. :rolleyes: It was then that I learned the new guy was a friend of his from work. My friend likes to constantly jab me about my team. For whatever reason, he asked both the new guy and me to come over for a Cowboys game that Sunday. We both accepted.

Long story short, the sedated, didn't care, new guy turned into Dr. Ric Flair and Mr. Hulk during the game. The whole game, including some of halftime, was constant "WOOOOOOs!" or "<EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE>! He jumped off the sofa a good ten times at the least. He almost picked up and through my friend's television remote twice. He sulked after drives ending in punts. Suffice it to say, the guy was extremely animated while watching his team.

Did I mention he said he did not drink alcohol? lol.

We met at the barbershop again about a month later. As usual, the Cowboys surfaced as the topic. He acted like he had before, AT the barbershop. Not the fan WATCHING a game.

Every member here has only two things to size up another member as fan: typed words and an avatar. And too many members have default Rowdy avatars (shut up DE!) That is all anyone has to go on. Everyone knows basically squat about another member's team allegiance or how strongly they actually feel about the team beyond their words typed out on a fan board. That's it.

We can all be judgmental about who is or is not a fan. I have certainly passed judgement in the past myself. However. Is anyone's judgement, of people we know practically nothing about, the right one?

"WOOOOOOO! How about dem Cowboys!" <new guy actual quote>
Is the fan's name Oscar?


Well-Known Member
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I’m really sorry Bob that you’ve become a hopeless fan who can’t get excited about the new season. That’s unfortunate. You sound like a band wagon fan waiting until the games start to “possibly” get on the train. If they do bad, then you have an out. To each his own but please don’t try and take the pleasure out of those of us who do appreciate and enjoy everything about training camp with your “I’m not onboard until they prove it” declaration.
Whatever else you could call Bob, bandwagon is most definitely not one of them!


Well-Known Member
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I realize the existence of a so-called hype machine, but I still like hearing about this or that young player or players that are impressing in TC. I have hopes for some of those young players and it's encouraging to hear that they're doing well.
I want to see a championship as much as anybody, but my season is not crushed for lack of a Super Bowl, I still enjoy every single win of the season even if they don't go to the playoffs. 12 wins is still a good season in my book, and I hope some of our young guys will make the team and help improve our chances every year.
Like I said I hope for a championship as much as anyone, but until it happens, I'm going to enjoy every single win and root for every young guy we get that shows promise for the team. :star:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I realize the existence of a so-called hype machine, but I still like hearing about this or that young player or players that are impressing in TC. I have hopes for some of those young players and it's encouraging to hear that they're doing well.
I want to see a championship as much as anybody, but my season is not crushed for lack of a Super Bowl, I still enjoy every single win of the season even if they don't go to the playoffs. 12 wins is still a good season in my book, and I hope some of our young guys will make the team and help improve our chances every year.
Like I said I hope for a championship as much as anyone, but until it happens, I'm going to enjoy every single win and root for every young guy we get that shows promise for the team. :star:
No doubt “hype” is a normal part of sports at any level. Fan excitement is built through stories about which new players are looking good or what expectations are going to be. I support and appreciate every fan’s excitement about that.

What I tire of is the excessive over-hype from this front office. They do the same things and somehow expect different results but hype it harder and harder each year and charge a higher and higher price for it. That is tiresome.