The 2009 NBA Finals Thread...Lakers win series (4-1)

SLATEmosphere;2804973 said:
:laugh2: Please. He had 7 footers on him quite often. He was big and skilled. Tyson Chandler would have put up similiar numbers as Russell and Chamberlain. That height advantage is disgusting. It's like a division one college Bball player playing an 8th grader.
and he outweighed all of them by 100 pounds!
SLATEmosphere;2804828 said:
:rolleyes: Be lucky you have someone to back you up. The Faker Magic ratio is about 10:1 on here. Speaking of which..where are all those punks who come out of the woodwork after a Laker win and then bash me?

Most of them probably have to work in the morning so they sleep. What a concept eh? Enjoy the moral victory there Cavs fan.. oh wait is it Magic fan or Cavs fan? Your constant flip flopping has me confused. :D
Joe Rod;2804865 said:
Great game, man LA is tough! I suspect the rest of the games will be tight like the last two, these teams are really playing each other hard!

Go Magic!

Yep. As expected.
Remember Robert Tractor Traylor?
Hell yeah, I do. My Bucks drafted Dirk then traded him for the Tractor. What, you got a problem with that!?!?

I swear SLATE, if you say one bad thing about my boy Tractor... :mad:
Think Kobe's going to go back to 2004-08 form and score 35 while losing? I do.
He's not nearly the "ball-hog" you make him out to be. You know he had 8 assists (of the 16 total for LA) last night, right?

LA's taking it in 6. I mean, really SLATE... you don't ACTUALLY think Orlando's winning the next 2 in Orlando then stealing one in LA, do you?
SLATEmosphere;2804964 said:
Top 3 at least. Please don't say Russell or Chamberlain. Those guys were 7 foot lanky guys playing against 6"6 white boys. It's like if Dwight played back then. They got most of their points and rebounds off of put backs and shear height alone. They'd just be average if they played today.

Robert Horry was always considered a role player. Never a superstar like Kobe.

You've got no appreciation for the greats, so I won't argue with you but I will say basketball is not a one on one sport.
SLATEmosphere;2804859 said:
"about to" and already has is a big difference. Kobe wanted to be selfish and have his own team. How's that worked out so far?
Let's see back to back trips to the finals with the great chance of winning it all this year. Meanwhile Shaq is shipped from team to team doing icy hot commercials.:laugh2:
Rampage;2804846 said:
dude Shaq won his 4th with D-wade. Kobe is about to do it with a 19 year old kid at center and a big softy in Gasol.
Exactly a future hall of famer in which D-wade took over most of those games, Shaq just came along for the ride.
SLATEmosphere;2804828 said:
:rolleyes: Be lucky you have someone to back you up. The Faker Magic ratio is about 10:1 on here. Speaking of which..where are all those punks who come out of the woodwork after a Laker win and then bash me?
Speaking of fakers this was you a week ago:

SLATEmosphere;2782730 said:
Magic nothing but lucky shooters. Dwight Howard=Overrated. His shooting range is a dunk. Adjustments will be made and will be forced to shoot that god-awfule 10 foot hook shot.

SLATEmosphere;2782858 said:
Dwight Howard can be shut down easily..get a big body on him and he won't even be a threat..He's trash.

Now you this week:
SLATEmosphere;2793764 said:
Gasol is going to get dominated. He is SOOOOO soft. Howard is going to out muscle him. He's going to be able to do anything he wants. .

SLATEmosphere;2795200 said:
:lmao: :lmao: You don't think Howard will dominate Gasol? Please give me whatever your smoking please. Gasol is one of the worst defenders in the league. He is so soft it's comical. Dwights strength will toss him around like a little ragdoll. Remember Louis Scola? hahaha that was just a clinic.

I would post more but I think this is enough. Howard went from Garbage to dominating in a matter of a week with you. Slate AKA Sybil, please give it a rest.
The only real shot the Magic has at this point is if Kobe gets hurt and is out. Outside of that it's going to be very difficult to win all 3 of these at home and nearly impossible to win 2 in LA if they don't win all 3 at home.
BraveHeartFan;2805224 said:
The only real shot the Magic has at this point is if Kobe gets hurt and is out. Outside of that it's going to be very difficult to win all 3 of these at home and nearly impossible to win 2 in LA if they don't win all 3 at home.

I think the fact that they had an all-time great game in the Finals and still barely won says a lot, but who knows. I think the Lakers win the next one, but we'll see.
SLATEmosphere;2804828 said:
:rolleyes: Be lucky you have someone to back you up. The Faker Magic ratio is about 10:1 on here. Speaking of which..where are all those punks who come out of the woodwork after a Laker win and then bash me?

What would you like to talk about Slate?
Joe Rod;2804865 said:
Great game, man LA is tough! I suspect the rest of the games will be tight like the last two, these teams are really playing each other hard!

Go Magic!

I agree. Magic played very well last night. I don't believe they can continue to shoot that well but if they do, then I would not be surprised to see them take this thing down to the wire.

Congratulations to all the Magic fans out there. Orlando played well last night.
SLATEmosphere;2804964 said:
Top 3 at least. Please don't say Russell or Chamberlain. Those guys were 7 foot lanky guys playing against 6"6 white boys. It's like if Dwight played back then. They got most of their points and rebounds off of put backs and shear height alone. They'd just be average if they played today.

Robert Horry was always considered a role player. Never a superstar like Kobe.

This is so wrong on so many levels. You do realize that Shaq is not even the best Center the Lakers ever had right?
Yo Slate, how youuuuu doing?

I don't care who wins., but I feel Lakers in 6.
Goldenrichards83;2805103 said:
Speaking of fakers this was you a week ago:

Now you this week:

I would post more but I think this is enough. Howard went from Garbage to dominating in a matter of a week with you. Slate AKA Sybil, please give it a rest.

You should know by now that whoever I root against is "trash" and "garbage". I made those comments when he was playing the Cavs obviously. You should also know that I put the team I'm rooting for on a pedastel and be typically dramatic describing them. If you didn't know, well now you know.

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