Of course you would as the cowboys opponents. The cowboys can not control what opponents do what they can control is how prepared a d ready the cowboys are. And that's my issue, the cowboys seem ill prepared for playoff football more often than not.
That is on the HC's who havent been good since jimmy left.
That is on jerry as he is the one who hires the HC , gives him usually not enough power, also undermines him, and also hires and fires
many of the staff.
The HC here usually has some input, but not much power in player mgmt, or acquisitions, or getting rid of or benching players.
The jones boys handle all that. Also extensions yes or no and when is by jones boys. So HC here is just a game mgr and he does pc's
after the games, but a very limited version of a HC.
So a HC for jerry since jimmy, has been a weak version of a real HC. JG was the biggest joke of all, as he was a HC in training lol.