The City of Green Bay Versus TO

jzcowboy;2416257 said:
What was the list he read on the show?

Top 10 Terrell Owens Advice for Kids:

It's not whether you win or lose, it's how crazy smooth you look playing the game

Get into a line of work that includes cheerleaders

Look good

Smell good

Election day is just around the corner -- be sure to get out and vote

On or off the field, play it safe and wear a cup

Don't hassle the Hoff

Listen to me -- do not cry during a press conference

There ain't a damn thing to do in Green Bay

Show up to practice every day... unless you're renegotiating
I was in Green Bay for the Dallas game and I can confirm that T.O. was wrong, there is at least one thing to do.

Watch the Dallas Cowboys beat the Green Bay Packers!
Dave_in-NC;2416292 said:
They must have a very COLD sense of humor up there.

You should've felt that "chill" walking into the game on Sept. 21st dressed in all Cowboy colors. Lol. They thought they were quite funny. And funny, cause I thought they were quite funny too, all heading for the exits with just over 8 minutes left in regulation. Or after the game when it was ALL Cowboy fans filling their stadium after the game. We just weren't leaving either. Lol. I should dig up those pictures and post them, cause we owned!
bootyhunta;2416298 said:
I was in Green Bay for the Dallas game and I can confirm that T.O. was wrong, there is at least one thing to do.

Watch the Dallas Cowboys beat the Green Bay Packers!

Dude, you were there, where, what section?? I was in Section 111 Row 39.
RoadRunner;2416404 said:
They are just mad because we won in Lambeau and that old jinx is history.

Packer fans have hated the Cowboys with a passion for years. It really got worse when Dallas continually ousted them from the playoffs in the early 1990's. The hate they already had just exploded then.

The "America's Team" phrase also irks them to no end. Packer fans believe they are the rightful owners of that moniker.

This skit on latenight will just add to the fire of hate they already have for the Cowboys. Believe me, around here, Packer fans hate Dallas more than the Bears, Vikings, and Lions combined.
Cowboys2008;2416178 said:
Take a look at this crap. And it's everywhere, not just this one. A city-wide total obsession over one simplistic and innocent, yet very true statement, TO made about the City of Green Bay on Lettermen the other night as his #2 in the Top 10.

Radio Station WAPL 105.7******-/3313346

T.O.TAL ******!


10. Drop by Brett’s old house. See if he left behind enough pain killers to overdose with.

9. Sign a football for a little boy before realizing it’s Mayor Jim Schmitt.

8. Strap a powder puff to his butt and a pair of antlers to his head, then turn him loose in the woods and let’s see if he’s really as fast as he says he is.

7. Check out the compost pit at the NEW Zoo where he can see something almost as full of crap as he is.

6. Meet Tom Milbourn and find out what it’s like to have a head that’s not just figuratively that big.

5. Check out the carousel at Bay Beach to see what a bunch of horses ***** look like when they made of wood and not wearing Cowboys uniforms.

4. Get a really up close tour of one of the city’s finest working pulp vats.

3. Stop by the Women’s Heath Center at Aurora Bay Care and see if they happen to be in need of an extra ****** bag.

2. Get shot without provocation by Green Bay cops.

1. Kiss Rick's big, pasty-white squatter.

[email protected]

Really, they should start just going back and talking about their beloved Packers who they basically quit talking about a couple weeks ago.

After reading that I completly agree that there is nothing to do in Green Bay. I guess I could go try to find a Bay that's green. Who knows?
jzcowboy;2416257 said:
What was the list he read on the show?
Looking at your sig pick it just dawned on me that with the roof opened and the giant video board in the new stadium the TV cameras are going to have fun with all the shadows on a sunny day.

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