That's thing about marijuana, it's not like other drugs. I've smoked pot, I know plenty of others that still smoke pot, and those that smoked pot when they were broke college students and are now engineers in leadership positions making more than enough money that still only smoke pot. I'm not in the $150,000+ demographic, but I can afford other drugs and still only smoke pot, rarely.
In fact, those of us who are responsible adults realize that it's mostly alcoholics that tend to gravitate towards drugs like cocaine (okay, maybe investment bankers), benzos, and opiates (not taking into account people who get addicted due to injury/surgery).
The worry should come about guys who feel the need to party every weekend and get roaring drunk. It's almost a personality trait that tends to be a little more irresponsible, and feels it needs that kind of release. The people who work hard, don't make trouble, and on the weekends prefer to smoke a joint and sit at home are the least of our problems.