Double standards only happen when you’re trying to make yourself feel better. Example being comparing our Colts and Texans games to the Eagles Colts and Texans games. We got smashed in the mouth today but “so did Philly”, even though they didn’t. It’s just a nervous tic we’ve developed as a championship starved fan base.
I clearly outlined the double standard in my original post. Fans here that despise Dak state he is a spare and makes too many mistakes. They also say he does not have the capacity to orchestrate a winning drive of note. I pointed out that in the history of this franchise, even the greatest of all time have had games such as the one we saw today. This is not comparing skill sets, but outlining the capricious nature of this game. Nothing is set in stone.
1. Dak is a piece of crap and cannot lead this team to success. He is destined to fold in times of crisis.
2. Dak never comes from behind to win games.
Yet you saw a 98 yard drive when the chips were all in to win it or go home a loser. The defense that had been thwarting the Cowboys all day was still on the field and playing hard.
But Dak carved up that defense. His passes were surgical in nature. There should be no question in anyone's minds that Dak lead the team to victory with his arm.
The double standard is simple. He can't, he won't, he ain't all that, because he doesn't have the talent.
Yet he did, and in the game thread, and after game thread, those who spend their time rooting for failure so they can come here and gloat at how they have been right, were wrong today.
Your comment about a double standard in reply to me was as germane as comparing an M.I.T valedictorian and Kim Kardashian.