The effects of age and Dak Prescott

That is valid.

Stats this past season are a bad reference due to limitations on players and using lesser talent in chosen plays. No run and the passing game got dominated.
Valid statistical comparisons need a large number of samples with identical variables.
This as the offense was installed for Troy Aikman. There are a lot of movement and attacking schemes that have motion and quick direction elements. This past season there was variety it seemed, often dominated in first down sequence. The Red Zone failure was beyond inept.
He struggles against zones.
They require mental mastery of the play, and anticipation of what will be happening including reading the movement cues of the defense and delivering a ball with anticipation of the window opening.

He hesitates while he's trying to confirm a window that has already opened. By the time he pulls the trigger, it's already closing.
Btb is not the best source but anyways where does it state he is a strong runner or good scrambler?

What do you want to say with your post? Its a list ordered by an value that you dont explain.or do you even understand what av means?

Does av mean he is a good scrambler? I know it does not.

Why dont you explain to us all in your own words what AV stands for and how it proves what you stated.

I am still waiting for your explanation of the AV value.

You posted an article with a ranking that purley is based on that value. With that you wanted to prove something. Which you also didnt explain.

You should at least understand what you posted shouldnt you?

BTW if you having troubles finding its definition here you go:

I am looking forward to your explanation.
So why does he fail so often in those scenario's, when in less stressful scenario's (like when he's got a lead) he's great. I'd hazard a guess he feels the pressure .... and that increases with, yes the position, but also when the contracts on your back and that's the expectation that's on his own back.
The best example is the GB loss, we blame the defense (yes), but our run game was working, but Dak had to compound the issue by chasing that lead rather than chipping away at the scoreboard.
Because playoff games are lose and you're done, there's no tomorrow if you lose in the playoffs. Lose a game or two or three in the regular season and there's always next week. Barring losing late in the year and the loss puts you out of the playoff chance of course, but that's nearly always not until the last couple of games.
Age is the most limitation on a position that involves or takes crushing explosive impact. Known.

That impact is what builds up upon quarterbacks. Speed is an element that has to be monitored. Monitored. The year round conditioning, diet, and directed procedures extend the playing days for players. Darrell Green, a premier runner and football player both, was out running the top runners in the NFL, up into his 40's. Age itself is not above being extended and a player's positional effectiveness retained. That is up to specific limitations or strengths of that particular player.

Non disciplined linemen are responsible for quarterbacks getting injured and accumulation of damage. Coaching staffs that don't hold accountability for penalties have groups that don't fully protect their quarterbacks!

As to quarterbacks, a reduction in risk situations extends his production. The longer a productive quarterback is in the action, he actually gets better if the team around him maintains levels of support.

Moving the ball can be fancy Dan or it can be nose to nose. Injury protection tends towards finesse and open space effectiveness. Speed kills, but team play wins.

The quarterback on the field is the offensive (hence team) leader on the carpet. But the real leadership of team is the coaching staff. They react to play on that carpet and prepare the team for game time activity and reaction to challenges. There are always negative challenges. Good teams are prepared for the effects of game changers.

Game changes are what killed Prescott as well caused failures of even good Dallas teams in playoffs. That part is the reality of football. That is what football is all about...not insults as a sideline to a fan.

Dak is far from a handicapped quarterback due to age. The thing there is a quarterback as team leader is never off the hook. He, although, has plenty of ability to bring to the table and compete.
Readers Digest : I love Dak , I have his pajamas on and his cologne too !!!


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