The fans deserve an explanation for Flozell


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Eskimo;2403192 said:
In terms of coaches going with the better guy - that frequently does not happen. Remember Ron Stone sitting on the bench as an immobile Larry Allen was run around like a pylon playing with a bum ankle in the NFC championship game against the 49ers in 1994. Stone would go on to become a Pro Bowler and very likely was a better player than Allen was on that day.

Yes I remember that and was screaming for them to put Stone in that day...:banghead:


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JakeCamp12;2403376 said:
Yes I remember that and was screaming for them to put Stone in that day...:banghead:

Switzer was probably too busy chasing down the hot dog vendor to notice. :laugh2:


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CATCH17;2403169 said:
Im going to re-watch the game Friday afternoon and I will give my opinion on the O-line... Especially Flozell.

Its time to see whats really going on.

its not hard to see if you pay attention...he's hurt, period.


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CoCo;2403205 said:
I certainly remember the game and Allen's misfortunes but I'm struggling to recall who played RT that game since Big E was injured?

I do think Stone was in and out of that game as was Allen at times.

But I think your point is valid. No one knows for sure who will play better. The injured vet or the inexperienced rookie.

I remember Allen playing most of the game with Stone perhaps only getting a few snaps later on in the game, but it was 14 years ago. I never bothered to keep it on tape as the bad memories from watching it once were enough.


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Thats the problem with this coaching staff, they dont know when to bench players doing bad and put another body in there. Wade had to think until the second half before he made a decision to bench Brad Johnson.


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bbailey423;2403312 said:
I am not convinced Free can be any worst. And that is the problem in Dallas...every position has to be steak...or appear to be steak...or we don't play them. There are many of offenses in the NFL that do fine with ONE go to WR and the rest "just a guy". But we need a Pro Bowl QB, RB, TE, WR(s) and OL to feel ready for battle. Parcells wanted McQuistan on his way out the door. Free was supposedly a steal in the 4th round. Heck the Commanders played last year with Stephon Heyer...a rookie free agent...after Jansen went down. And Heyer beat Jansen out this year. You cannot convince me that Free is not ready to show what he has. Esepecially when the risk of protecting Tony ROmo did not exist. If Adams is playing with ONE arm...somebody, anybody had to be a better alternative.
If you need a superstar at every position to win, than there is something wrong with this coaching staff.


Kane Ala
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First of all it's a terrible decision for the staff to experiment with an unproven player in a game they desperately wanted to win (Giants) even with a backup QB. I'm not the only person to think Brad would have a decent game instead of a horrible one. You just don't give up on a game particularly one against a division team and especially one you trail in the standings. That's why Flozell was playing.

However, I couldn't agree with you more that once proven ineffective they should have replaced him with someone. Assuming you have a backup better than the injured player. It is painfully obvious that Flozell is better the way he is that his backup(s). Unless the staff is in error which certainly could be the case. Then that begs the question is why isn't there an adequate backup LT on this club. Which makes me think the backups have let the staff down this year, are injured as well, or they just couldn't find another LT. Then that makes you wonder why not put Bigg out there and move Procter to RG (or Holland...although there is a reason he's not playing) and Kosier goes back to LG.

There is no excuse IMO for not giving him more help though. You don't need to send people out when your QB doesn't have time to throw the ball. Unless said QB is supposed to get the damn ball out in time so it doesn't matter there isn't a TE or RB helping out on Flo's guy. So there is always another side of the coin. To think our staff can't think of things we can is arrogant. We just don't have enough data to understand at times. Still, it is quizical.

My guess is Jerry won't allow himself to be caught in the predicament of not having an adequate backup QB again. And he may require the one's saying Johnson was capable culpable for it. My guess though is Jerry was knee deep in that decision and either signed off on it or even was all for it.

Still no matter it is the GMs responsibility to make sure the team has players and depth. You can't point fingers without starting to point them all around. It still is



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jobberone;2404240 said:
First of all it's a terrible decision for the staff to experiment with an unproven player in a game they desperately wanted to win (Giants) even with a backup QB. I'm not the only person to think Brad would have a decent game instead of a horrible one. You just don't give up on a game particularly one against a division team and especially one you trail in the standings. That's why Flozell was playing.

However, I couldn't agree with you more that once proven ineffective they should have replaced him with someone. Assuming you have a backup better than the injured player. It is painfully obvious that Flozell is better the way he is that his backup(s). Unless the staff is in error which certainly could be the case. Then that begs the question is why isn't there an adequate backup LT on this club. Which makes me think the backups have let the staff down this year, are injured as well, or they just couldn't find another LT. Then that makes you wonder why not put Bigg out there and move Procter to RG (or Holland...although there is a reason he's not playing) and Kosier goes back to LG.

There is no excuse IMO for not giving him more help though. You don't need to send people out when your QB doesn't have time to throw the ball. Unless said QB is supposed to get the damn ball out in time so it doesn't matter there isn't a TE or RB helping out on Flo's guy. So there is always another side of the coin. To think our staff can't think of things we can is arrogant. We just don't have enough data to understand at times. Still, it is quizical.

My guess is Jerry won't allow himself to be caught in the predicament of not having an adequate backup QB again. And he may require the one's saying Johnson was capable culpable for it. My guess though is Jerry was knee deep in that decision and either signed off on it or even was all for it.

Still no matter it is the GMs responsibility to make sure the team has players and depth. You can't point fingers without starting to point them all around. It still is


But Jobber, just because the coach won't play them doesn't mean they aren't better. Parcells went with Bledsoe over Romo to start the 2006 season. Did Bledsoe suddenly become that much worse after preseason or did Romo become that much better from having sat on the bench for 5.5 games. Some coaches just don't like change - they'd almost always rather go with the guy they know than the unknown.

Anyhow, I am just pointing out coaches aren't infallible.


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Eskimo;2403972 said:
I remember Allen playing most of the game with Stone perhaps only getting a few snaps later on in the game, but it was 14 years ago. I never bothered to keep it on tape as the bad memories from watching it once were enough.

Its probably the most re-watched game I have and I still wait to see a flag come out when Deion interferes with Michael.

Painful outcome, but I love the tenacity of the team demonstrated in the comeback bid.


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jobberone;2404240 said:
First of all it's a terrible decision for the staff to experiment with an unproven player in a game they desperately wanted to win (Giants) even with a backup QB. I'm not the only person to think Brad would have a decent game instead of a horrible one. You just don't give up on a game particularly one against a division team and especially one you trail in the standings. That's why Flozell was playing.

However, I couldn't agree with you more that once proven ineffective they should have replaced him with someone. Assuming you have a backup better than the injured player. It is painfully obvious that Flozell is better the way he is that his backup(s). Unless the staff is in error which certainly could be the case. Then that begs the question is why isn't there an adequate backup LT on this club. Which makes me think the backups have let the staff down this year, are injured as well, or they just couldn't find another LT. Then that makes you wonder why not put Bigg out there and move Procter to RG (or Holland...although there is a reason he's not playing) and Kosier goes back to LG.

There is no excuse IMO for not giving him more help though. You don't need to send people out when your QB doesn't have time to throw the ball. Unless said QB is supposed to get the damn ball out in time so it doesn't matter there isn't a TE or RB helping out on Flo's guy. So there is always another side of the coin. To think our staff can't think of things we can is arrogant. We just don't have enough data to understand at times. Still, it is quizical.

My guess is Jerry won't allow himself to be caught in the predicament of not having an adequate backup QB again. And he may require the one's saying Johnson was capable culpable for it. My guess though is Jerry was knee deep in that decision and either signed off on it or even was all for it.

Still no matter it is the GMs responsibility to make sure the team has players and depth. You can't point fingers without starting to point them all around. It still is

I will say it again...I can promise Jerry is LIVID about this OL...and to bring FISCAL responsibilty to this OL....he is going to seriously consider this offseason moving Leonard Davis to LT, moving Flo to RT, inserting Holland at one of the guard spots and letting Colombo go. It is ridiculous the amount of money we have tied up at RG to see him throw combo blocks and spend great portions of games invisible. And I don't think fans are being arrogant at all. No more arrogant than we were being when Parcells trotted Pettiti out there every week....and scouts from other teams as well as fans called the whole charade a Pettiti gave up the MOST sacks that year and is currently out the NFL. Or fans who attended training camp last year and could not understand how Brad Johnson was still in the NFL. Above all else, you at least have to be able to throw the ball to play QB. Now throwing it to the right person and managing the huddle is important...but what good is it if you are playing QB with both arms tied behind your back? It is not about fans being is about coaches being stubborn. It is about watching teams with lesser DBs bully our WRs all over the field...and we will not let our CBs get in somebodies face...because that is not what we do here. It is about letting Tashard Choice getting some work instead of watching Barber become our TOTAL offense.....what we are seeing is disgusting. Win or lose this coaching staff has show ZERO flexibility. Jason Garret has the most tools of any offensive coordinator in the NFL...and he is the highest paid in the history of the NFL...and yet we go 3 and out WAY TOO OFTEN!


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Eskimo;2403192 said:
In terms of coaches going with the better guy - that frequently does not happen. Remember Ron Stone sitting on the bench as an immobile Larry Allen was run around like a pylon playing with a bum ankle in the NFC championship game against the 49ers in 1994. Stone would go on to become a Pro Bowler and very likely was a better player than Allen was on that day.

Yeah, I remember that game, but help me with my memory wasn't Allen playing the tackle position that game and Stone, made the pro bowl playing the guard position. So Stone would have been playing out of position


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Jordan55;2404687 said:
Yeah, I remember that game, but help me with my memory wasn't Allen playing the tackle position that game and Stone, made the pro bowl playing the guard position. So Stone would have been playing out of position

Allen played RT that day


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bbailey423;2404669 said:
I will say it again...I can promise Jerry is LIVID about this OL...and to bring FISCAL responsibilty to this OL....he is going to seriously consider this offseason moving Leonard Davis to LT, moving Flo to RT, inserting Holland at one of the guard spots and letting Colombo go.

So, your solution is to make things worst? Have you forgotten how bad LD was playing LT in Arizona? Complain about Colombo all you want, but he is a much better RT than LD is a LT.


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M'Kevon;2404697 said:
So, your solution is to make things worst? Have you forgotten how bad LD was playing LT in Arizona? Complain about Colombo all you want, but he is a much better RT than LD is a LT.
how do you know that would make things worst? Do you recall Jones saying that the AMOUNT of money they gave Davis gave them the option to play him basically anywere on the OL except Center. Didn't Davis get the most guaranteed money of ANYONE in the history of the Cowboys organization? Do you honestly think the Cowboys are going to meet the asking price of Colombo and his agents? Heck they didn't want to meet that price last offseason...and now you think they will when they still have to decide what they are going to do about Canty, Tank, Ware. And probably are going to have to make decisions on Henry, Pac Man and Roy Williams as well. Here is another scenario....move Davis to RT...hope Flo gets his act together...and insert Holland at RG....but this OL has ZERO fiscal flexibiltiy/responsibilty right now...and I doubt Jones is going to dole another huge signing bonus for this OL. We shall see.


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justbob;2403223 said:
CC --pardon me for disagreeing with a man of such well know posts --but thats bull --Flo is on the field because he is told to.. and I am sure his hand is hurt -but we have all seen him in the past stand there with his hands on his hips as a rusher goes by him and kills our QB --its not pain -he is lazy --Parcells staff got a little out of him --but he has played this way in the past and will again. I don't think he likes being told what to do by Houck .

And yes JT it was a wreck last time he went out --with Bledsoe and very young replacement propects..Sorry Flozell was -is -and will be the biggest joke and loser on this team --Play a rookie and chip with a running back but leave him at home and cut him as soon as we can stand the salary hit:banghead:

Maybe CC was just trying to be punny, you know, gutting it out, big lineman, fat, gut ...... well, I tried.

But yes, Flo is lazy, and it is too bad, because if he had the work ethic of a Barber, he would be the best LT in football.


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sacowboysfan513;2403255 said:
Aha, that is why you offered to watch the game. You are excited about your DVR.

I didn't realize life was possible without one. Or an iPhone. Or electricity.


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jterrell;2403264 said:
either that or he is a severe masochist.

i deleted that game before it was even over, lol.

Me too. I just can't dwell on a loss, it eats away at you. It is time to move on and concentrate on how to beat the skins. If we win, we are back in the thick of things. If we lose, then dogs and cats will be sleeping with one another and it will be the end of the world as we once knew, lol.


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Jordan55;2404687 said:
Yeah, I remember that game, but help me with my memory wasn't Allen playing the tackle position that game and Stone, made the pro bowl playing the guard position. So Stone would have been playing out of position

Stone could play both tackle and guard and was the backup at tackle at that time. You are right that he did eventually go to the Pro Bowl at guard.


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jterrell;2403163 said:
Not sure if you caught it but Flozell has a broken right hand.

And yes, we do apparently believe he, with one hand, is still better than his backups.

This team merely needs to get healthy.
We'll see after the bye week if this team even resembles the one who the Giants trampled.

Good luck stacking the line against this team when it is healthy.

It's not Flozell's hand that's preventing him from getting out into pass blocking position. He is getting run right 'round. But the offensive line works as a unit more than any other group on the field, and I'm banking on the fact that since our guard went down, it was kind of like a Jenga tower and the whole thing came crashing down.

Hopefully, when he gets back, the Jenga tower goes up again just as quickly as it came down. We'll see -- but it's going to be good getting Romo back regardless! Can't wait to see our passing game.