The Fun is back in the NFL; celebration penalties relaxed

Every player is different. Zeke is flashy. It is what it is.
I fully understand that and I'm entitiled to my opinion, it is what it is. I hope he continues to put up big numbers and uses a little more discretion with his celebration a la Witten and Dak. Either way, I'll take a the celebration if it means a decent play even though it's dumb as hell.
All you complaining about celebrations must have no joy in your life, and are probably not fun to hang out with. I'll bust out the robot at a bar just to be stupid. I ran out of ****s to give a few years ago.
Yeah because celebrations equal "joy in life". I question how shallow ypur life must be if celebrations are your measuring stick for "joy in life". I enjoy celebrations but there are many more important and not so important things that give me greater joy than a dude dancing around in the end zone.

I seriously consider how much fun you are to hang out with if a celebration brings you that much joy, you must not have mich going on in life. For the record, I'm fine with a TD celebration and am looking forward to them because that equals points and is a pretty big deal. A first down? Not so much.

BTW, you don't need to do the robot.
lol. Whats wrong with a little eye gouging..:)! Anything goes! Face collars...hitting from behind...chop blocks...close lining. Anything to kill offensive players...head favourite...( Deacon Jones). Go Defense!
haha, I had an All-State strong safety that was an expert at the eye gouge, we had a picture of him with his entire hands inside the other guys facemask. LOL, I wonder who taught him that. Over 150 tackles and 15 sacks his senior year. He was all business on the field, but after the game he would lead the celebrations with fans, cheerleaders etc.
haha, I had an All-State strong safety that was an expert at the eye gouge, we had a picture of him with his entire hands inside the other guys facemask. LOL, I wonder who taught him that. Over 150 tackles and 15 sacks his senior year. He was all business on the field, but after the game he would lead the celebrations with fans, cheerleaders etc.
lol. Let me guess who his teacher was:). I bet offenses were afraid of him too!
haha, I had an All-State strong safety that was an expert at the eye gouge, we had a picture of him with his entire hands inside the other guys facemask. LOL, I wonder who taught him that. Over 150 tackles and 15 sacks his senior year. He was all business on the field, but after the game he would lead the celebrations with fans, cheerleaders etc.
Sounds a little bit like he had some Sean Taylor in him :)

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