I don't care for Garrett as the front man. He is too robotic and the clapping is annoying.
Having said that, Garrett isn't the worst head coach in the NFL. He isn't the hoodie, but guys like that have their issues too. Without Brady his warts would be easier to spot too.
Marinelli totally sucks. I mean he is worthless as a coach in my opinion. We don't have an all pro defense, but there is average talent on this defense. We are playing below our talent level. I don't see it getting better anytime soon due to coaching.
Linehan is a bit of an enigma. He will call a great game and then act like a complete idiot at other times with his play calling. He is probably serviceable if the head coach over rides him or redirects him from time to time.
If Linehan will go back to the formula he used last year with Dak I think we can get back on track fairly easily. They have to use Beasley as a weapon instead of forcing it to Dez.