silverbear;1743093 said:
Some of us just have more finely tuned BS detectors...
For every one skins fan that is being ironic or clever in floating this theory, there are nine who really believe it's the "only logical explanation."
Just listen to Sportstalk 980 after a loss and you'll see them come crawling out of the woodwork. I've never seen anything quite like it.
Hogs may be trying to make a "funny" here, but if he posted this over at ES, he'd have an army of delusional followers by now.
Let me elaborate for a second... it usually isn't someone saying "hey we must have lost on purpose."
Typically, the "Delusional Redsk*n" -- or DR as I'll call them -- thinks that the reason for a loss is that the team was "holding back" for some future key matchup.
Take two pre-seasons ago, when the new Al Saunders offense looked inept. Obviously it couldn't be the teams' fault... it must be that cagey ol' Gibbs and Saunders were, and I quote "waiting to unleash their offense on the rest of the NFL." Then, when they got off to pathetic start, they were simply waiting to unleash it on the Cowboys when they met.
This year, I heard DR fans suggesting they were "holding back" in order to surprise the Patriots. And now, I guarantee you, next week I'll be hearing about how they've been holding back waiting for their first game against the Cowboys. It never fails.