The Grammar Police Thread


The Duke
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Now and then I read stuff and I just cringe. I know some of you do too. I try not to be grammar police on the forum if I can help it. Here's your chance to vent without picking on anyone in particular the way it is perceived if you quote a stupid point in a post.

Today's rant is triggered by the term air-apparent being used instead of heir-apparent.

Have fun while you vent.

There is no H in Witten. There isn't one in Novacek either.

There is no G at the end of Irvin if talking about the player not the city.

Staubach, not Starback. The helmets have a star, not his name and he played QuarterBACK not QuarterBACH.

You cannot loose a game. You lose them. Loose is how clothes fit.

Ridiculous, not rediculous.

You're welcome, not your welcome. Your indicates possession like your toys. You don't own welcome. The contracted word (meaning it has an apostrophe) literally means you are, as in you are welcome.

It is a WR corps, not a WR core.

Per se, not per say.

You have an idea, not an ideal. Unless you are talking about your principles or the absolute best of some concept.

The floor is yours. Vent away. I reserve the right to add to my list.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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You need a shot of Nyquil old friend.

Go on, I won't tell on you. ;)


Well-Known Member
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I think I've mentioned before the paper with the incorrect spelling of assess.

E.g., "to ***** student attitudes toward the course..."


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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That's an impressive list. It covers everything that I see regularly on here.

On a somewhat related subject, it bothers me when sports announcers -- especially baseball announcers -- mispronounce Spanish surnames.

If you announce baseball games for a living, you HAVE to know how to pronounce these names.

Example: The "u" in Vasquez doesn't make a "w" sound. It's pronounced Vaws-kehz .... not Vas-kwehz.

There are others that are regularly butchered -- Jimenez and Gutierrez come to mind.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Chief;2875441 said:
That's an impressive list. It covers everything that I see regularly on here.

On a somewhat related subject, it bothers me when sports announcers -- especially baseball announcers -- mispronounce Spanish surnames.

If you announce baseball games for a living, you HAVE to know how to pronounce these names.

Example: The "u" in Vasquez doesn't make a "w" sound. It's pronounced Vaws-kehz .... not Vas-kwehz.

There are others that are regularly butchered -- Jimenez and Gutierrez come to mind.

You are hardcore...english and spanish screwups get your gander.:p: ;)


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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BrAinPaiNt;2875446 said:
You are hardcore...english and spanish screwups get your gander.:p: ;)

It doesn't bother me when a regular Joe (or Jose) does it.

But when it's your job to pronounce names and at least half the league has Spanish surnames, do some research, take a class ... something.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;2875419 said:
There is no H in Witten. There isn't one in Novacek either.

Start at the :52 mark of this vid. :laugh2:

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Chief;2875441 said:
That's an impressive list. It covers everything that I see regularly on here.

On a somewhat related subject, it bothers me when sports announcers -- especially baseball announcers -- mispronounce Spanish surnames.

If you announce baseball games for a living, you HAVE to know how to pronounce these names.

Example: The "u" in Vasquez doesn't make a "w" sound. It's pronounced Vaws-kehz .... not Vas-kwehz.

There are others that are regularly butchered -- Jimenez and Gutierrez come to mind.

Is Ibanez pronounced, I-ba-nez (Like the Ibanez Guitar) or E-bon-yez? (like they pronouce Raul Ibanez the baseball player) :laugh2:


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The user RomoIsBack is the worst poster I have ever come across in my entire life with regards to grammar... he is unbelievably bad. I mean he's just absolutely pitiful at talking. Not sure what he's saying can even be considered gibberish..

I'll quote a fellow poster speaking about RomoIsBack

I have said before he just seems to slap around at the keyboard to see what happens. Here are some other gems:

"every game is a test for dallas nothin is a test to me until january"

"when barber break you know something going to happen"

"we got a sack that butt chin tom brady for real sack sack sack"

"randy man we better be scare"

"and the rams game popcorn was not butter at all"

"i am still surprise the way our defense"

"they try to brake romo the man had 6 t.o and still played the whole game like he was winning"

"god he on them like crazy god"

"yeah i seen him on espn radio talking bout tony romo"
Seeing on radio?

"i call you stupid to ^i am not going to type all they to please you people i am to lazy"
This might explain things a bit

"i just seen like 30 minutes on romo we get respect"

"lj took out the whole pre season look at him jj sign him"

I found all that just going back to the very end of September. I get the impression his keyboard lacks an enter key, any punctuation key, and the left and right shift keys. By the way, all of these quotes were the full extent of his post.

It almost reads like he is writing his posts in a foreign language and then running them through



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Chief;2875451 said:
It doesn't bother me when a regular Joe (or Jose) does it.

But when it's your job to pronounce names and at least half the league has Spanish surnames, do some research, take a class ... something.

I was just joshing you some. I don't watch baseball so I guess I don't see it, if I did it would probably bother me.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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nyc;2875480 said:
Is Ibanez pronounced, I-ba-nez (Like the Ibanez Guitar) or E-bon-yez? (like they pronouce Raul Ibanez the baseball player) :laugh2:

I guess it depends on the company or how the person.

Favre Farve.:D


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;2875419 said:

The floor is yours. Vent away. I reserve the right to add to my list.

How about Fixin as they say all over Texas. I'm fixin to watch the Cowboys game! :D


Slanje Va
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Chief;2875451 said:
It doesn't bother me when a regular Joe (or Jose) does it.

But when it's your job to pronounce names and at least half the league has Spanish surnames, do some research, take a class ... something.

i agree with this! obviously i watch a lot more of a certain other sport that isn't too popular when mentioned on here but there are few things that annoy me as much as the commentators getting the names wrong. i've watched games where the commentator calls the same player by four or five different pronunciations which is quite frankly lazy. or worse when their (only kidding hos) commentating on middle eastern teams resort to reffering to the players as "the number 8" etc.

my grammar isn't that great but yes some of the attempts at posts both on here and on other forums leave me scratching my head.

on a realated note, when there is something that you don't care about why do you say you "could care less" over on your side of the atlantic? over here we use "couldn't care less" which actually makes sense. not criticising just something i've noticed that puzzled me at first until i got used to it.


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daschoo;2875503 said:
i agree with this! obviously i watch a lot more of a certain other sport that isn't too popular when mentioned on here but there are few things that annoy me as much as the commentators getting the names wrong. i've watched games where the commentator calls the same player by four or five different pronunciations which is quite frankly lazy. or worse when their (only kidding hos) commentating on middle eastern teams resort to reffering to the players as "the number 8" etc.

my grammar isn't that great but yes some of the attempts at posts both on here and on other forums leave me scratching my head.

on a realated note, when there is something that you don't care about why do you say you "could care less" over on your side of the atlantic? over here we use "couldn't care less" which actually makes sense. not criticising just something i've noticed that puzzled me at first until i got used to it.

you can subtract one less person from that group of idiotic morons because I corrected my younger brother on this yesterday :)


The Duke
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nyc;2875496 said:
How about Fixin as they say all over Texas. I'm fixin to watch the Cowboys game! :D
Those don't bother me. Neither does ain't. Prolly for probably is pretty annoying.

By far the one that grinds my gears is loose for lose. "We're going to loose." How do you do that?

I have noticed that a lot of people cannot spell yeah to save their life. No idea why it is so hard. Someone, I forget who but it might have been Nors, had a G in there. Yeagh, or something like that. I've seen some who spell it yhea.

Then again this is teh Intenets and people get pwned.