The Importance Of This Next Game

Huge game, especially when you consider a trip to Seattle is coming next week. 4-2 sounds a lot better then 3-3. To me it is almost a must win game.
i know most of us are nervous because, The typical Cowboy thing to do would be too lose this game . This is a game we should win though . We are better across the board in several areas . This is the Cowboys chance to show everyone its not the same old Cowboys .
i know most of us are nervous because, The typical Cowboy thing to do would be too lose this game . This is a game we should win though . We are better across the board in several areas . This is the Cowboys chance to show everyone its not the same old Cowboys .

Everyone including themselves. A loss to the Texans coupled with what is likely to be a rough game in Seattle could cause serious damage to this team's psyche and self-confidence.
Do it yourself big fella. I wasn't using the statistics, just sharing the info.

The title of your thread suggests that it was statistically viable. My response is to suggest that you haven't established enough information to make that claim.
The title of your thread suggests that it was statistically viable. My response is to suggest that you haven't established enough information to make that claim.
Right. Got it. Go do a better job than I did, with my blessing.

I shared exactly what I wanted to, what I set out to, and what I felt was interesting. I have no issue whatsoever with you providing a better example. Just go ahead and do it, and I'll like it.
Eric Dickerson won't forget his 248 yards in that game either...


21 times the Cowboys have started a season at least 4-1. Here are the results of those seasons.

1966, started 4-0-1, played in the NFL Championship for the right to go to the Super Bowl. 0-1
1967, started 4-1, played in the NFL Championship for the right to go to the Super Bowl. 1-1
1968, started 6-0, played in the Conference Championship. 0-1
1969, started 6-0, played in the Conference Championship. 0-1
1972, started 4-1, played in the Conference Championship. 1-1
1975, started 4-1, played in the Super Bowl.2-1
1976, started 5-0, played in the Divisional Playoffs. 0-1
1977, started 8-0, won the Super Bowl. 3-0
1979, started 4-1, played in the Divisional Playoffs. 0-1
1980, started 4-1, played in the Conference Championship. 2-1
1981, started 4-1, played in the Conference Championship. 1-1
1982, started 4-1, played in the Conference Championship. 2-1
1983, started 7-0, played in the Wildcard round. 0-1
1984, started 4-1, missed the playoffs.
1985, started 4-1, missed the playoffs.
1992, started 4-1, won the Super Bowl. 3-0
1994, started 4-1, played in the Conference Championship. 2-1
1995, started 4-1, won the Super Bowl. 3-0
2003, started 4-1, played in the Wildcard round. 0-1
2007, started 5-0, played in the Divisional round. 0-1
2008, started 4-1, missed the playoffs.

So, out of 21 seasons, 18 times the Cowboys have made it to the post season. So that is an 86% chance of going to the post season. 3 times they won the Super Bowl and 9 times they played for the right to go to the Super Bowl. In these 18 seasons the Cowboys have a post season record of 20-15. These 20 wins represent 61% of the total post season wins we have in our History.

History aside, with the Seahawks right around the corner in Seattle, there will be significant difference in their postseason outlook sitting at 4 and 2 vs. 3 and 3. Obviously, I want them to win them all, but given the aforementioned this game against the Texans is very important.
The title of your thread suggests that it was statistically viable. My response is to suggest that you haven't established enough information to make that claim.

The title of the thread is 'the importance of this next game'. There is nothing in the title to suggest anything but what it says.
This game is almost like a 2 game swing because of Seattle next week.

We lose to the Texans, we probably lose to the Seahawks as well, and we then find ourselves back at 3-3 and talk of being just a 500 team is all that you are going to hear.

Win this game and we come back from Seattle at worst 4-2............................vastly different perception.

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