Teren_Kanan;3169450 said:
As soon as I saw the trailer I was appalled. I still am but my biggest problem with it is not that it looks like a crappy movie.. it could be alright, but the name of the movie is horrible.
A remake should be a remake, not a movie with a similar scenario.. Why did they have to call it Karate Kid? that's just epic failure. Makes me sad.
I think every kid that grew up in the 80s took some sort of martial arts, its like our right of passage.
Martial arts were huge in the 80s. We watched karate kid, played karate champ in the arcade and watched bruce lee become a huge hero in the 80s.
Me personally, I took tae kwon do, I had to quit when I was almost 14 because it was becoming a 4 day a week thing and was getting in the way of baseball. I finished with a blue belt with a red stripe. A part of me wishes I stuck it out and got a black belt.....I am going to take again in the future when my son is a little older....
oh and this trailer makes this movie look unwatchable.