I am not talking about being afraid, I am talking about one of the greatest motivators next to self-preservation, the fear of failure.
The fear of failure is akin to the answer to the question "which is more motivating for action, the opportunity for gain or the avoidance of pain"? Anyone that's ever been in sales will tell you the avoidance of pain is by far the stronger motivator.
Where does that exist with the Cowboys? When has it existed since Booger bought the team? Johnson and Parcells instilled a level of fear that served to motivate even the players that were not in the line of fire. In case you missed it several years back, the account of the plane ride home after losing to the Eagles 44-6 and being done for the season was anything but sad. They were talking about vacations and there was far too much laughter allowed on that journey home. No team coached by the two I mentioned would have ever felt comfortable enough to even smile.
Add to this, Wade Phillips' request to increase the player fines to attempt to get it under control was not only denied, certain players had "media passes" and were allowed to be late for meetings. Textbook inmates running the asylum.
What happens when the Cowboys lose a game or a season? Not only nothing but excuses are made by the HC and GM. Remember that comment Booger made about "some were going to be uncomfortable at Valley Ranch"? That was assistant assistant coaches that their own families were unaware they were on the team.
This team has no fear. They do not fear management, coaching or even their own leaders. They do not have the basic fundamental factor for success, the fear of failure. Until that changes, they do not reach their full potential. The fear of failure makes people uncomfortable, do you see that with the Cowboys?