Video: The Movie Trailer thread

Man I have such a love/hate relationship type of feeling going into this movie. I so deeply want it to be a masterpiece. They definitely gave me the nostalgia feels though even with the prequel stuff (would have been hilarious if they showed Jar-Jar lol). My favorite shot is the rebel fleet jumping and facing like a thousand Sith(hopefully) Star Destroyers since Sith troopers have been confirmed.

As to "Sith Rey". I don't think Disney has the stones to turn her full on dark side. Probably posessed by The Emperor. That actually sounds decent as it would be at least more interesting than a lame vision or dream. Maybe The Emperor posessed both Kylo and Rey and Kylo is able to fight it but Rey succumbs to it. Then Force Ghost Luke has to intervene and hell breaks loose. Who knows with Star Wars anymore Haha.
As to "Sith Rey". I don't think Disney has the stones to turn her full on dark side. Probably posessed by The Emperor. That actually sounds decent as it would be at least more interesting than a lame vision or dream. Maybe The Emperor posessed both Kylo and Rey and Kylo is able to fight it but Rey succumbs to it. Then Force Ghost Luke has to intervene and hell breaks loose. Who knows with Star Wars anymore Haha.


If I had to guess? I'd say Dark Rey is a clone of some sort.

Would explain her seeing so many versions of herself when she looked in the mirror in Last Jedi, why she's so good at everything and why she's so attracted to the dark side.

Who she's a clone of, I have no idea. Could be the emperor as you said. Could be Luke, I guess, although I think that's a bit corny.

Would remind me of the whole X23/Wolverine thing, how they had to make Wolverine's clone female to get it to be stable or whatever.
I’m guessing a fair amount of redirection. Deception.

My “hope” is...

A perfect full circle tying together and wrapping up 3 trilogies saga.

My concern is we get recycled characters/story fanfare. Just enough to cha Ching.

I don’t like bringing Palpatine back unless it’s via Darth plagueis “tragedy”
It's a Force vision like Luke had in Empire probably. The whole "tempted by the dark side" thing. It's a what she could become type deal while confronting the Emperor (my suspicion).

Yeah or it’s one of the many Rey clones.

Although, remember in TLJ Luke freaks out when she goes to the dark side.
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