Video: The Movie Trailer thread


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Is there any info of how much of the movie is a musical? Disney cartoon level? Or 3-4 times in a 90-120min run time?
The more I watch the trailer, the more I wonder how much of the scenes are "real" in that universe or just inside his head?
Honestly, I have avoided researching the movie for personal reasons. I like experiencing movies as freshly as possible, even though I cheat with trailers, lol.

What little I have read did not specific how much of the movie would be song-and-dance sequences. So far, the trailers do not *seem* to suggest they will eat up a bulk of the run-time. (fingers crossed).

I doubt there will be Disney cartoon type stuff with Phoenix in it. He does not seem like the type of SERIOUS actor who would agree with that sort of thing. Injecting a brief animation scene would be okay with me if it was done smartly. I still enjoy the scene in Kill Bill: Volume I with O-Ren Ishii growing up to be an assassin. That was pretty well done and fit the movie without diminishing its overall quality.

My guess is most of the scenes will be real. The trailers have shown the characters interacting in prison wearing prison clothing. Other snippets have shown them outside prison in normal non Joker/Harley Quinn clothing also. Just my guess.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just one critique: Rivers?
Good catch. I always think of Joaquin's deceased brother whenever I see him or his name. Then I make the mistake of substituting the brother's first name and adding an 'S' for Joaquin's last name.

I still miss his brother. He could have been an even bigger Hollywood star than Joaquin in my opinion.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good catch. I always think of Joaquin's deceased brother whenever I see him or his name. Then I make the mistake of substituting the brother's first name and adding an 'S' for Joaquin's last name.

I still miss his brother. He could have been an even bigger Hollywood star than Joaquin in my opinion.
Oh yeah, he was already a spectacular actor, even at his young age, and considering how cheesy most of his contemporaries at the time were, I think he would have become a huge star.

The Ominous

Dead Man Stalkin
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I'll put big money on Phoenix winning another Oscar. And I guarantee Gaga will at least be nominated for best actress.


Well-Known Member
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Good catch. I always think of Joaquin's deceased brother whenever I see him or his name. Then I make the mistake of substituting the brother's first name and adding an 'S' for Joaquin's last name.

I still miss his brother. He could have been an even bigger Hollywood star than Joaquin in my opinion.
I always think of Leaf Phoenix.