I am more hesitant than disappointed with what is shown in the trailer. The 60's concept had already been released to the public, so I had been expecting that look.
What I want confirmed now is whether this is an Earth from the multiverse different from the what has been presented in the MCU so far. I want to say yes it is. Sure, it's the 60's but it is the kind of 60's that doesn't fix the flow of Disney/Marvel so far. If anything, it more aligns with what was seen in
WandaVision than anything else--and that was straight out of Wanda's
imagination early on.
Casting-to-character first impressions:
- I think they nailed Johnny
- Ben's CGI is not as 'polished' as I had hoped but looks tons better than previous versions
- People may kill me because of looks (Jessica Alba) but Sue might be the best actress to play her thus far
- Not feeling Reed yet but that may be because I am still picturing Reed as The Mandalorian
and Maxwell Lord 
Totally agree Disney/Marvel must make a great attempt at knocking this one out of the park. The freaking bad guy is
GALACTUS for pete's sakes!