The NFC-E Fandom Buzzzzzzz...(No Rumors)

Who's the current tailback in Philly now that the Top 3 are injured?

Is it that new guy from Denver you were talking up yesterday?
stasheroo said:
Who's the current tailback in Philly now that the Top 3 are injured?

Is it that new guy from Denver you were talking up yesterday?

Ricky Watters.
Phonetic-Talon HAS mental health issues!

He's acting like a jilted lover...:rolleyes:

The Cowboys suck, T.O. sucks, the RedStinks suck, and the Giants suck! As a matter of fact, everyone in the NFL EXCEPT the Green Slime Birds suck...

The Eagles will win the next 10 Superbowls...does that make you happy? Is that what you want to hear? Is that what you want to believe?

Since your already in the Mental Health field and all those shrinks are at your disposal, why don't you make an appointment for YOURSELF to get evaluated?

You got some real issues going on in your little head, Phonetic-Talon! :confused:

If I were you I would get checked out...or, there is always sleeping pills and vodka! :cool:

Phoenix-Talon said:
I wouldn't dare make any attempt at labeling anything ...BTW, that's called stigmatizing.

It wouldn't have been that bad if you had used an interpretation from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM - IV); versus the web interpretation ...

The web isn't considered a very empirical source of research for M/H related material ...but how could you have known that!?
When the next patient recreation recess comes around, please return that 'Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM - IV)' to the hospital library. A doctor may need it to better diagnose eagle schizophrenia, you know. :mad:
5Tears said:
Phonetic-Talon HAS mental health issues! He's acting like a jilted lover...

What an awful thing to say about me 5Tears. But I'm used to your abusive mode of communications so I forgive you;)

5Tears said:
The Cowboys suck, T.O. sucks, ...

...this is the second time you've used the Cowboys as a reference ...couldn't you have made your point without saying that about your own fandom? Not very well prepared sarcasm.

5Tears said:
The Eagles will win the next 10 Superbowls...does that make you happy? Is that what you want to hear?

I'd be disingenuous if I said I didn't like the sound of what you're saying! But realistically (at least from your perspective) we just would like 8 SBs.:rolleyes:

5Tears said:
Since your (BTW ...this is not a typo) already in the Mental Health field and all those shrinks are at your disposal, why don't you make an appointment for YOURSELF to get evaluated?

I have's a requirement before your graduate to have taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...I'm an ESTJ! What are you?:confused:

5Tears said:
You got some real issues going on in your little head, Phonetic-Talon! If I were you I would get checked out...or, there is always sleeping pills and vodka!

While I appreciate your empathy, I think I'll leave the substance abuse alone...thanks for the sage advice 5Tears!:rolleyes:
Doomsday101 said:
I agree the wrath of the fans is not always fair. I always figured if a player is hurt he is hurt and should not be blamed for it, it is just part of the game. As for TO I would rather be on the safe side than to rush something like a hamstring
The wrath of fans is usually in proportion with fan expectations set for that player. You want to be the best, then you have to be the best at weather ing criticism.
ravidubey said:
The wrath of fans is usually in proportion with fan expectations set for that player. You want to be the best, then you have to be the best at weather ing criticism.

I don't disagree. I have seen our fans boo Hall Of Famers.
Phoenix-Talon said:
What an awful thing to say about me 5Tears. But I'm used to your abusive mode of communications so I forgive you;)

...this is the second time you've used the Cowboys as a reference ...couldn't you have made your point without saying that about your own fandom? Not very well prepared sarcasm.

I'd be disingenuous if I said I didn't like the sound of what you're saying! But realistically (at least from your perspective) we just would like 8 SBs.:rolleyes:

I have's a requirement before your graduate to have taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...I'm an ESTJ! What are you?:confused:

While I appreciate your empathy, I think I'll leave the substance abuse alone...thanks for the sage advice 5Tears!:rolleyes:

:lmao: :lmao:

Your're alright, know that?

so PT, do you think the fact that you are in the mental field makes you know everything about what people are doing/thinkin? especially TO and BP and JJ

I have's a requirement before your graduate to have taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...I'm an ESTJ! What are you?

i pick a problem?