News: The NFL’s System of Discipline Is An Absolute Joke

Not in Texas it aint

I wasn't aware those in Texas spoke --- or attempted to --- speak English or even a mangled, tortured, gruntlike approximation of the Queen's English.
Thanks for the advisory.
(And how is the pecan-shelling idea of mine coming?)
Great questions .

We just got back from Oklahoma casino trip and no info or word on Sports Betting. I’m Not sure how much this is going to be implemented nationwide? At least before this season.

States have to pass new legislation . Jersey appears only one ready to go.
There are others lined up, they were poised awaiting the Supreme Court ruling.

The Indian casinos can do what they want, OK can't do anything. The question is about the profit per square foot and sports betting isn't as lucrative as the slots or gaming. And anyone that wants to place bets on games already has a connection. I would be surprised if they didn't allocate some space to it but it is not a major deal, not all of the Vegas casinos have sports books.

I do not think this is going to create more interest like the DFS did because that's a different situation. There is a certain illusion of participation in playing fantasy football that is not there betting the games.

I have added layers to my gaming every year to try and force interest. DFS, Pick 6's and a multitude of squares to try and get more into it and that has failed every year so I am giving up. It is just not worth the time invested and watching a NFL game on TV, other than the Cowboys, is more like work than fun. They have finally greedlocked me out of the game with all of the commercials and this was before the new targeting rule. That may just be the most controversial rule they've ever brought into the game and such a judgement call the refs are going to get called out for not calling it. I think the tenured refs saw the writing on the wall on this one and decided to hang it up.
I thought it was more about additional choices of entertainment with new technology and options to view programming?
I think that is it and there's nothing they can do about it. They have no way around the time shifting and even the live events are starting to get it. I will time shift the Cowboys games for the first time this season to see if that helps.

And ncn is right too. Network programming is struggling. The Cable Nets like AMC, FX, USA and Amazon and Netflix and soon to be Apple and Disney are eroding the base of network programming. And there's that sleeping giant sitting out there with the system in place and resources to take them all on, ATT. Would not surprise me at all if that is the new player in the broadcast rights the next go around.

It is hard to stay in a damned game. Don't know if that's just me but all of my sons' friends are time shifting and suggested I do the same. It's either that or another sport will bite the dust for me. The NFL is just boring, too many commercials, too many talking heads talking too much and the amount of action has never changed but the time invested to watch a game has increased by 25% in some instances. The reward is not there.

I did the Red Zone for 5 years in a row and didn't do it the last 2 years and didn't realize just how hard it is to stay in a game. But I am not going back, not giving those scumbags a dime. I hate the NFL and everything it stands for.
I wasn't aware those in Texas spoke --- or attempted to --- speak English or even a mangled, tortured, gruntlike approximation of the Queen's English.
Thanks for the advisory.
(And how is the pecan-shelling idea of mine coming?)
My pecans are not ripe yet
I think that is it and there's nothing they can do about it. They have no way around the time shifting and even the live events are starting to get it. I will time shift the Cowboys games for the first time this season to see if that helps.

And ncn is right too. Network programming is struggling. The Cable Nets like AMC, FX, USA and Amazon and Netflix and soon to be Apple and Disney are eroding the base of network programming. And there's that sleeping giant sitting out there with the system in place and resources to take them all on, ATT. Would not surprise me at all if that is the new player in the broadcast rights the next go around.

It is hard to stay in a damned game. Don't know if that's just me but all of my sons' friends are time shifting and suggested I do the same. It's either that or another sport will bite the dust for me. The NFL is just boring, too many commercials, too many talking heads talking too much and the amount of action has never changed but the time invested to watch a game has increased by 25% in some instances. The reward is not there.

I did the Red Zone for 5 years in a row and didn't do it the last 2 years and didn't realize just how hard it is to stay in a game. But I am not going back, not giving those scumbags a dime. I hate the NFL and everything it stands for.
I highly recommend multiple TV’s watching several games instantaneously. Then you look around wherever the action is and ignore commercials turning the sound down on all but one . Before Direct TV and 5 second time delay I listened to all Cowboys on radio while watching on TV.

I’ve pretty well tuned out all of the Talking Heads I’m not interested in and just focus on the ones I’m aligned with and or mostly similar with. I haven’t watched ESPN or NFL network for years except broadcast. I don’t watch pregame except for Jason and Jerry show.National jocks and paid analyst are of no interest to me. Why would I care what some non Cowboy fan in NY thinks? I have enough separation with some Diehard Cowboy fans:)

I’ve never done the Redzone. Sunday Ticket is enough for me. There’s nothing I do more than watch TV and nothing I enjoy more or rather be doing than watching Football so it’s easy to justify the expense.

The same people who complain about that expense are whizzing away money on beer and cigs. We all have our priorities and football is mine. I love College Football. I love UIL football . Shoot if I see the kids playing in the yard I’ll watch. And I love the NFL. I was never prouder last year with their brave Patriotism and how the NFL stood behind them. I’m totally supportive of Goodell and how they’re at least attempting to make a difference cleaning up even if it’s mostly for perception.

I’m fine with cleaning out some of the fan base. It’s been growing at record levels for decades. A little correction is sustainable. Shoot , we grew up when all the games weren’t even televised if you lived in home market. I’d be fine with them going back to college stadiums and all games on Sunday afternoon.

This notion we are losing the purity of the game is silly. Shoot, the whole country is going to hell lol... Everything evolves. NFL started out as a part time gig. Didn’t even pay enough for my uncle to move his family up to Green Bay ($1,000 signing bonus and$10,000 contract)to play for Lombardi in early 60’s. I recall he and dad joking when Roger retired in 1980 being the highest paid In Cowboy history at $200,000 grand that they’d never put their body in that position for much less than they were making.

No, we the fans with our addiction have allowed the sport like all other professional sports to become this. And yet we don’t complain when an actor recieved millions for a film or artist for a tour or album. Much of the bitterness is it’s a game we all have played at some level so we think they’re enormously overpaid unlike an artist or actor since we can’t sing, dance, play an instrument or act.

A bunch of Americans soured because their life didn’t turn out as well as they’d hoped because of mostly poor choices .These athletes who came from diverse backgrounds and cultures all worked their butt off and took great sacrifices to place themselves in position to succeed. Unlike others who skated by like many slackers in America.

Not directed at you Coach but your post spurred this thought and reaction buddy.
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There are others lined up, they were poised awaiting the Supreme Court ruling.

The Indian casinos can do what they want, OK can't do anything. The question is about the profit per square foot and sports betting isn't as lucrative as the slots or gaming. And anyone that wants to place bets on games already has a connection. I would be surprised if they didn't allocate some space to it but it is not a major deal, not all of the Vegas casinos have sports books.

I do not think this is going to create more interest like the DFS did because that's a different situation. There is a certain illusion of participation in playing fantasy football that is not there betting the games.

I have added layers to my gaming every year to try and force interest. DFS, Pick 6's and a multitude of squares to try and get more into it and that has failed every year so I am giving up. It is just not worth the time invested and watching a NFL game on TV, other than the Cowboys, is more like work than fun. They have finally greedlocked me out of the game with all of the commercials and this was before the new targeting rule. That may just be the most controversial rule they've ever brought into the game and such a judgement call the refs are going to get called out for not calling it. I think the tenured refs saw the writing on the wall on this one and decided to hang it up.
Agree with much. This ruling was mostly to benefit Atlantic City so they could compete with Vegas.

Like you said . Those who really want to wager already have means and don’t have to put the money up front and your also correct in that most Nevada casino don’t even have Sports Books.

No, this is not going to be as big of deal as some originally thought because these casino need somewhere to lay off the unequal wagering they’ll have pending their location. The ones already connected to Vegas who have Sports Books are most likely to take this on.

I don’t think it’s going to be a huge attraction most places or be the drawing card much more than the OTB. Shoot.. you can wager on line. I used to have an account with Stardust living here. All you need is to set up an account and of course give them money up front.

The whole allure of sports betting is winning money you don’t have. Sports Books mainly attract the professional gambler not the casual wager. I used to spend a lot of time in Vegas and many of those guys live in their cars living day to day on their next bet. Or the high roller wagering millions.

Now if you happen to be there on vacation then yes, you will place some bets. But if your already a gambler like you said why would Drive to a state when you can just pick up your phone? I don’t think it’s going to be the problem most were afraid of. We’ll see..but your spot on with much of your thought.

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