The NFL is losing its mojo

I think he means that you hit an opponent several times after they are knocked out.

In boxing you get knocked down and you get a 10 count to clear your head.

In MMA if you get knocked down it is followed by a knee or elbow or barrage of blows.

It doesn't bother me, everyone is a consensual adult but it can be brutal.

In the ufc you don't get a chance to stand up and get knocked out again. The fights over. In boxing you can take a beating for 36 minutes. Some ufc fights don't even feature heavy striking.

Everything new is bad and scary !
I agree with virtually all of that, but I also think the sport has peaked, and young hardcore fans are much fewer and further between than older hardcore fans like you and I.

I'm finding myself drifting ever so slightly to the casual fan base, and those folks aren't necessarily there for the long haul anyway. (NASCAR had this huge influx of casual fans in the 90s, and now they all left and races are being held in front of 1/2 the crowds these days).

Stadiums aren't as full these days, I'm noticing, and when the casual crowd gets their fill, it will be interesting to see where it all stands 10 years from now, after litigation and participation drops hits the sport hard.

Yep E and I agree with you on these points. I would ask you to take into consideration this also - I really think our age is a factor. I know for sure Im not as crazy or infatuated with the game as I used to be and I find myself easily distracted by other things during virtually all games besides ours. Also I think our patience with commercial breaks, officiating and quality of play wears very thin because we have the luxury of a reference point to a better product where younger fans have nothing to compare it to.

Football has always done a pretty good job of evolving where baseball lives in the past. I truly believe that all of your concerns are shared by many fans and the league is not blind to these perceptions. I would expect they will continue to get our in front of these issues or more to your point - they better.
C'mon Steve largent or Julio jones ? The athletes are so much better in today's game that they're KILLING each other out there. Which was part of the original posters rant that we now have cte to deal with. So it's like which is it?

Good call. If your comparing them as pure athletes, yes they are bigger, faster and stronger today. I'm saying that as a pure receiver, these "older receivers" going against the DB's and safeties in the day were better route runners and had a tougher road to haul. Yes the receivers today are going against faster, stronger more athletic DB's too but as a receiver, there is an art to that position which I think is lost today. Drew Pearson almost invented perfection to the sideline pattern. Paul Warfield ran perfect post patterns and those guy made the passing game prolific. Dave Casper/Kellen Winslow ran great flags changing the game. Now a days it's who can jump the highest, who has the muscle to push off and who can get away with pick plays.
Too many commercials, disputed calls, breaks in play, etc., not to mention dunderhead commentary. Nearly unwatchable without a DVR. My son prefers watching soccer which flows much more smoothly. Can't say I disagree, though I cling to my old allegiance to the Boys and the sport.
What a great thread...I was honestly just having this exact convo with my of the best threads I've seen...kudos
Now that is ridiculous. If anything, they're worse.

1993: Jerry Rice, Michael Irvin, Chris Carter, Tim Brown, Andre Reed, Sterling Sharpe, Andre Rison, Herman Moore, Haywood Jeffries...

1977: Drew Pearson, Lynn Swann, Cliff Branch, Steve Largent, John Stallworth, Harold Carmichael, Haven Moses, Mel Gray, Ken Burrough, Sammy White.....

Dez Julio Green Brown Hopkins ODB Nelson Demarius Fitzgerald Marshal Andre are all insanely talented and can all be HOF if they continue on this path
I hate the college game.

  • The game lacks skill. Most players use physical talents alone and not skill to win games. That doesn't work in the NFL when everyone has the same physical talents skill and intelligence is far more important.
  • A few teams absorb most of the talent because there is no salary cap or something similar to limit teams taking all the talented kids. Most the most talented kids want to go to team who have established winning. This keeps the balance of power off kilter and keeps the current winning teams in power.
  • The colleges get to select who they play every year and rather than fair process and giving all teams a fair change to play other competitive teams. This allows schools to blackball other schools preventing them from gaining the same competitive advantages that they currently enjoy.
The college game is bush-league the way it operates. Heck, they are just finally starting to fix the post-season, yet it's still far from actually being fixed.

Iove some college football...but, I CAN'T STAND the teams where it is obvious that they don't have to go to classes (unfair advantage) can tell by how inarticulate some players are in interviews (see: SEC, Ohio ST, most teams from Florida)...a different set of rules for teams like Stanford and Notre Dame that have their kids graduate by actually, you know, learning something
Was fun to watch teams with quality depth and dynasty teams back in the day. We will never see multiple HOFers on several teams at one time anymore. The early 90's was the end of that.....The quality of the teams is the biggest difference from back then to now. It seems rule changes are being geared towards fantasy so I don't enjoy watching other teams play as much anymore.
Well, Dallas was the greatest franchise in the NFL during the pre parity/salary cap Superbowl era.......we've always got that:dance:its defintely a different game now
On the point about the rich being gone, That would be a plus! Then maybe the sport can return to form. Poor ppl. come up with what activities becomes sports, rich ppl. decide which ones they deem profitable and then it's no longer classified as redneckish, even when the rednecks started it.!!! I'm also glad I was born in the time when I got to watch football in it's glory days, when football was an awesome sport and it took a man to play it. It's starting to be a girly sport for sure and all that political correctness just ruins my day listening. When men played with broken bones they could tape up and maybe even cut it off to continue playing. Now, a crack or bone bruise sits you on the sidelines for weeks. pfft.
The NFL's popularity is rising even more. Fantasy football and the movement to football more female friendly ( commercials and NFL women's gear) has increased the fan base.

It is more popular than ever and will only increase in strength.
Nfl tv ratings are off the charts! The top 15 most viewed shows of the fall where all NFL games, and the highest rated game was Dallas vs Seattle!

Stadiums are more packed then ever and Jerry never has an empty seat ( unpaid for seat)
Everywhere you go more merchandise is being sold, guys are talking about fantasy football , more football tv shows. Nfl merchandise revenue has been climbing! More hoodies, women's clothing, kids clothing ect.

There are even classes to help women and wives understand football concepts online and at local colleges.

Please don't compare the NFL to nascar or nhl ( lower asked on purpose).
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The NFL is more popular than ever. However, its all in the marketing and not so much in quality.

Rivalries are dead. We living in a league of parity and we have more bandwagon fans jump from one team to another than ever before.

More and more people care more about their favorite players in fantasy football rather than care about a team. There is a big push for women watching the game. However, the reason for that is so that the NFL can up-sell more of their gear.

Yes the NFL is more popular than ever. But for the wrong reasons. Refs control the game and more flags are thrown than ever before. Instant replay has made the game tedious to watch. Too many commercials. I can go on.

Frankly, the game is boring now. I feel its more about marketing and sales rather than giving us folks value and quality. That is absolutely sad.
Penalties certainly frustrate me weekly, but to call the NFL boring is subjective and it's not a common thought.

As for rivalries, they are still alive and well. I love watching a Ravens and Patriots playoff game. The 49ers and Seahawks rivalry grew as well.

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