The One Cowboy Ex-Player You Find It Hard to Forgive

Danny White, he broke my heart as a boy when fumbling the ball in the ‘82 NFC Championship. It’s the only time I’ve ever cried after a Cowboys loss. The Catch was absolutely shocking. Yet, Pearson catching the 30 yard pass from White, getting to the 49’ers 45, seemed like we might just snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. I was too young to remember Staubach, other than the night I became a Cowboy fan, watching the 1979 SB. Yeah, Danny broke my heart that night at Candlestick. He’ll always be one of my favorite Cowboys, but not sure the sting from ‘82 will ever go away.
right there with ya'. remember it like it was yesterday.
The most disappointing player to me was Hollywood Henderson. An amazing athlete. Has any other linebacker ever returned a punt for a touchdown? But, he couldn't keep his nose clean and washed out of the league way too soon. He could have been a hall of famer.
  1. Jackie Smith - my 10 month old grandson could have caught that ball in Super Bowl XIII and Jackie Smith is a HOFamer. He cost the Cowboys "Team of the Decade" for the 70's and drove Hollwood Henderson further into drug abuse.
  2. Tony Romo - fumbled the hold snap, an elementary football play (quote from Parcells) in the 2006 playoff game, going to Cabo with Jessica Rabbit before the 2007 home playoff game, wasting the careers of an NFL record 13 Pro Bowl players in 2007, 8-8 purgatory for 3 seasons 2010-12 (he was the reason we lost the last game of the season each year), and Cowboy brass and fans still wanting him in the Ring of Honor and Hall of Fame without Cornell Green, Danny White, Bob Breunig, Everson Walls, and Tony Hill in either post career award recognition and Drew Pearson not in the Hall of Fame. But, Cowboys fans are still whining over Romo not getting his due? He owes us for not giving him competition for his job for 9 years and could not get or try to get his job back from Dak Prescott.
  3. Michael Irvin - for giving Jerry Dumbo GM Jones an excuse not to draft Randy Moss. Then he gets hurt in Philly. Dynasty of the 90's would have continued championship contention another 5-10 years with Randy Moss at WR.

This one is easy for me. That 2007 team is the best Cowboys team since 1995 and it’s not even close. Crayton blew that game for the team, a year I am certain that we would have gone to and possibly won the Super Bowl.

If you’ll remember, the Pats ended our unbeaten streak that year but the post game was full of “we’ll see you in the Super Bowl”. Crayton cheated us out of that Super Bowl.

For those of you who don’t remember how close we were, and who can stomach it:

That was a perfect pass if Crayton had not hesitated after beating the DB. Obviously, receivers have some flexibility in their routes depending on the coverage, but he had gotten past the corner and the safety wasn't in the picture, so pulling up there is just inexplicable.

I don't find it hard to forgive any player. What I hate about this one more than some of the others is that for some reason this loss gets put on Romo's shoulders by some fans and is used as "proof" that Romo can't win big games. You can't throw a much better pass in that situation.
Wow, thank you for sharing that. I am going to add you post # to my post. I just always assumed it was true. Thanks again.

Apparently it's too late to edit my post, but thanks for the article!

You're welcome. I'm leaning toward thinking Septien is innocent, but I'm not saying I know for certain. I do know our court system sucks and people get railroaded sometimes. Then if you're honest about that fact, some people throw a fit. I work in security, and I helped one dude set up an SVR and camera system to record video continuously in his home whenever his 13 year-old daughter would visit. He was doing that because his lunatic ex wife was accusing him of inappropriate behavior (to put it mildly) with his daughter. I got him set up with a camera system that would conclusively prove he was doing nothing wrong. Plus, I referred him to a lawyer. Some people really get run over by a rotten system if they have a vindictive ex or someone who hates them for some reason. I know for 100 percent certain this dude wasn't guilty of doing anything wrong because if he were, the system I helped him set up would have proven him guilty. Those cameras and SVR are impartial and would just record what happens, whatever it may be.

So if Septien got railroaded, my heart goes out to him, and I hope he's successful in clearing his name. Like you, when I first heard of the accusations, I was like, "That perv and dirtbag," and I despise anyone who would actually do something like that. But Septien may be innocent.
Second place goes to Leon Lett. Remember that game on an icy Thanksgiving Day against the Dolphins?
Septien (spelling?) Because of being a pedo.

Jackie Smith for breaking the heart of a 12 year old boy. To this day I want to throw my remote at the TV if I see Bradshaw. He's the biggest joke in the HOF. Surrounded by HOF's on both sides of the ball and he was the weak link. Understand it's a much different game now but he would be lucky to find a back up job. Eli will follow the same path to the Hall.

Leon Lett, he had generational talent in my opinion but only gave effort sometimes. I really do feel he could have been one of the greatests ever. I hate to see anyone not live up to their potential and imo his talent was through the roof.
Ya, guys like Septien don't deserve mention, certain people do not deserve mention.
It's your opinion and I respect that.

Romo, Woody, and Randy White are my all time favs. But I understand this is an opinion thread, like most are. You're certainly entitled to yours without others getting ticked. Never understood the whole getting mad over someone else's opinion. Makes no sense to me.
Thank you.. I rooted like heck for the guy, would always defend him but when I took off the Cowboy glasses I had to acknowledge the facts of the situation.
As much as I will always be a fan and have much love , I’ll always find it hard to forgive Tony Romo for the Seattle fumble. My heart is still in that stadium, in the seat where a Seahawk fan picked me up and hugged me, thanking me for The Romo Fumble. My son and I both had tears in our eyes.

I hated the audible when he tried to throw a quick screen to Terry Glenn backed all the way up at the Seattle Goaline. Glenn never had control of the ball and ended up getting stripped fumble and gave Seattle a new life after that. :(
  1. Jackie Smith - my 10 month old grandson could have caught that ball in Super Bowl XIII and Jackie Smith is a HOFamer. He cost the Cowboys "Team of the Decade" for the 70's and drove Hollwood Henderson further into drug abuse.
  2. Tony Romo - fumbled the hold snap, an elementary football play (quote from Parcells) in the 2006 playoff game, going to Cabo with Jessica Rabbit before the 2007 home playoff game, wasting the careers of an NFL record 13 Pro Bowl players in 2007, 8-8 purgatory for 3 seasons 2010-12 (he was the reason we lost the last game of the season each year), and Cowboy brass and fans still wanting him in the Ring of Honor and Hall of Fame without Cornell Green, Danny White, Bob Breunig, Everson Walls, and Tony Hill in either post career award recognition and Drew Pearson not in the Hall of Fame. But, Cowboys fans are still whining over Romo not getting his due? He owes us for not giving him competition for his job for 9 years and could not get or try to get his job back from Dak Prescott.
  3. Michael Irvin - for giving Jerry Dumbo GM Jones an excuse not to draft Randy Moss. Then he gets hurt in Philly. Dynasty of the 90's would have continued championship contention another 5-10 years with Randy Moss at WR.
Such a moronic take.
But I'm not surprised.
Tony Romo for all of the big games he cost us.
2006 against Seattle
2007 against the Giants
2008- Losing to Steelers & Ravens.. another season lost
2009- Romo and the whole team deciding not to show up in the Divisional round
2011- The usual December swoon, lost 3 of 4 division games at the end of the year
2012- Getting RG3'd, not taking his helmet off after getting smacked by the Skins
2013- Usual December slump, 7-5 going in, 8-8 coming out
2014- Murray led offense, 12-4. Romo basically gets the ball taken out of his hand. We cant beat GB because JG doesnt trust Romo, and team goes conservative when they had a chance to win
2015- Injury in game 2
2016- Dak comes in along with Zeke. Everyone remembers the one drive Romo had..

I know I will face a lot of crap for this post, but guys I am not a Dak lover. Do not pay a good player franchise altering great money. you will always come out disappointed and set the team back.
Romo was very good but could not win the big game when it mattered, that is undeniable. Yes he also won a lot of important games, but he could never deliver and I know its not all on Romo. He also had many seasons to deliver, it wasnt that he only got a couple of chances. The team was talented enough to get to a couple of championship games at least. There is only one SB winner so I am not saying... how many rings does he have... How many opportunities did we squander?
Good lordy. Some of those comments are true short bus material.
You don't think Romo was great ...even in 2014?
That says it all.
There is nothing else you could ever say on the subject that would be objective if you can't even acknowledge that.

This one is easy for me. That 2007 team is the best Cowboys team since 1995 and it’s not even close. Crayton blew that game for the team, a year I am certain that we would have gone to and possibly won the Super Bowl.

If you’ll remember, the Pats ended our unbeaten streak that year but the post game was full of “we’ll see you in the Super Bowl”. Crayton cheated us out of that Super Bowl.

For those of you who don’t remember how close we were, and who can stomach it:

This isn't even reallly the one that people remember lol.

Nobody has ever been more consistently let down by his teammates and coaching than Romo.

This one is easy for me. That 2007 team is the best Cowboys team since 1995 and it’s not even close. Crayton blew that game for the team, a year I am certain that we would have gone to and possibly won the Super Bowl.

If you’ll remember, the Pats ended our unbeaten streak that year but the post game was full of “we’ll see you in the Super Bowl”. Crayton cheated us out of that Super Bowl.

For those of you who don’t remember how close we were, and who can stomach it:

same game he dropped the 3rd down pass wide open @5:52 smh.


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