The Police vs U2


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Who is your favorite?


Tough. Love both and U2 has a much broader body of work to compare vs. the Police who broke up early.

I give the nod to the Police on being really original in merging punk, reggae and blues with a rock sound.
I have always liked the Police. Would take them over U2. However I could not fault anyone for taking U2 as they have had so much more success with a longer time together.

However I still listen to Synchronicity and love it. I don't listen to U2 anymore...although to be fair I was never that big into them in the first place.
That police song is the theme for creepy stalkers everywhere.
Either is worthy. Sting has a better voice, but is much higher on the dbag scale...

Both great bands, though...
Police...saw both bands in the 70's, and the Police were much better ;)
MyBad;4357757 said:
Police...saw both bands in the 70's, and the Police were much better ;)

Wow... U2 in the 70's. They had not even released Boy until 1980. Impressive that you got to see them before anyone ouside of Ireland knew who they were.

I started listening to The Police around 1981, and U2 around 1983. I love U2's work up through The Joshua Tree. Then they got too "electronica" for my tastes. I like just about everything the Police did, except for a couple of random songs. Edge (pun intended) goes to The Police.
I would go with U2. The Police had some great tunes, but the music U2 cranked out prior to the 1990s was superior to it for my personal tastes. Many mornings we would head over to Fort Pierce to go surfing listening to "Live Under a Blood Red Sky".
Wimbo;4357793 said:
Wow... U2 in the 70's. They had not even released Boy until 1980. Impressive that you got to see them before anyone ouside of Ireland knew who they were.

LOL thx for the dates, it was a loooong time ago. So 1980 then...I won free tickets to see I think it was either the Boomtown Rats or U2...we went to U2.

Saw the Police a few times, one good one was Halloween, Police and Iggy Pop.
I've always liked both bands and I've seen them both several times.
They are so different, I don't see howto compare them.
MyBad;4358260 said:
LOL thx for the dates, it was a loooong time ago. So 1980 then...I won free tickets to see I think it was either the Boomtown Rats or U2...we went to U2.

Saw the Police a few times, one good one was Halloween, Police and Iggy Pop.

Hey, I wasn't saying you didn't see them in the 70's... I was just impressed that you did.
I've always liked the Police better. Copeland and Summers are both great musicians.
As a writer, I like U2 better because I love some of their lyrics. Very deep at times, almost always have deeper meanings. I like that. It is one reason why I like Johnny Cash so much even though he is not a great singer. Same with Bob Dylan.
Hostile;4358436 said:
As a writer, I like U2 better because I love some of their lyrics. Very deep at times, almost always have deeper meanings. I like that. It is one reason why I like Johnny Cash so much even though he is not a great singer. Same with Bob Dylan.

How can you compete with:

De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
Their innocence will pull me through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're meaningless and all that's true


Both good bands. The Police were there through the party days of highschool. U2 came along a bit after.
Both good, but I think U2 is in a league by themselves.
Ill give the police a slight edge because they have the better musicians. Never understood the appeal of U2 and especially how the Edge makes all those greatest guitarists lists. If not for his use of harmonics and open string octave dronings then his trick bag would be empty.
Heck U2 isnt even the best band outta Ireland let alone the world. Phil Lynott would give them a swift kick for being such wussies.
Achilleslastand;4359182 said:
Ill give the police a slight edge because they have the better musicians. Never understood the appeal of U2 and especially how the Edge makes all those greatest guitarists lists. If not for his use of harmonics and open string octave dronings then his trick bag would be empty.
Heck U2 isnt even the best band outta Ireland let alone the world. Phil Lynott would give them a swift kick for being such wussies.


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