30 years ago I was working one saturday afternoon in a rural location when a motorist stopped by and needed help. He'd run out of gas. I stopped working and drove him a couple miles back to a gas station. They had no gas cans to borrow, had to buy them. But an old contractor who was gassing up said he had a gas can the guy could borrow. So we filled it up and I drove him back to his car which was a short distance from my employer and I went back to work.
I thought it a bit strange that I never saw the guy drive by back the other way to return the gas can but I figured I just missed him. Its not like I stood there waiting to see it. A short time later the old contractor shows up at my door mad as heck and telling me he's going to call the cops on me. Sure enough the out of gas motorist never returned the gas can.
This kind of attitude absolutely INFURIATES me. You're in need, you ask for my help, I give it, and then you rob me? Not of MY gas can, but my reputation!
Your "deaf guy" story makes me mad, but nowhere near as mad as my out of gas story. Its because your deaf guy was scamming from the start. My guy, I believe never set out to "scam a free gas can." He just had a need that when it was filled he couldn't have cared less about the people who helped him out.
And we wonder why some people have become cynical. I don't care necessarily if people proactively seek to make this world better. I want them to, but I certainly can't make them. But could you at least not make the world worse off with your screw others attidtude?
/rant off