Before I get started I'm a big Romo supporter and have liked Garrett for some things but not all.
While Romo is very good I think that he is a problem. If he gets mad at someone no longer does he throw their way. He will force things to his buddies but leave guys wide open and not throw it to them. When he is on he is great but why is it sometimes the offense doesn't wake up till it's too late? Why do we want to play it close all the time? Denver game we had to score points then we put up 48. Today Detroit scores to make it 3 points then we can't be stopped? I feel like the team would be better without Romo, he had won us many games don't get me wrong but things have to change and sometimes this team didn't respond to him. Dez gets in his face then boom we about TDs.
Also Garrett needs to go as well, I think he can be a good coach but not here.
Splitting up Witten and Romo could benefit this team. I see teams with less talent do better.
Discuss... I'm not saying these things because we lost it's a combination since Romo and Garrett have been here.