Holding is a much lesser risk on running downs. There's no excusing the hold, and it has to be on the coaches. The real issue, though, is that we've got to have a team by now that won't kill itself with such a stupid unnecessary penalty. These are safe calls we're calling, and they're costing us games. It's like the Dunbar fumble. There's something wrong if you can't trust your guys to hold onto the ball in that situation. In this case, with the hold, it happens to have been on one of our best or most important offensive players. To drop a road game on something like that is mind-boggling.
Note, I'm not discounting the role of the pass defense in coughing up this game one bit, here. It's just that that's been a known liability for so long. To have the offensive gift them another 40 seconds of time on the play clock for something so stupid is unbelievable.