You might but I would almost guarantee you the players wouldn't. Try to imagine if this was a boxer. If a boxer gets clocked with a minute left in the round but covers up for 30 seconds before getting clocked again the effects of the first punch are still there. If the opponent lands another haymaker just before the bell there's a good chance the boxer is going to sleep even if the second punch is not as solid as the first. Take the same fighters with the same scenario where one guy clocks the other with a minute left in the round but doesn't land another solid blow until a minute left in the next round. Most of effects of the punch landed in the previous round have worn off. So it will take much more of a direct hit to put the guy down. A boxer can absorb a haymaker that might kill me and you once or twice a round and still answer the bell the next round. But if his opponent land three or four haymakers in a round he's in trouble. The Sunday, Thursday, Thursday, Sunday is the equivalent of taking three or four haymakers in one round. The Sunday, Thursday, Sunday, Sunday, Thursday might let the guy get in two haymakers in one round but the second barrage comes like 2-4 rounds later after the cobwebs from the first one have gone away. It's the same number of punches, but the amount of recovery time in between is the key. I know it's not an exact analogy but I think it fits.