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Apathy is real and it can be depressing... I like your description of the Jones - hillbilly brass.. pretty good. I call them Huey and Dewey... same thing, I guess... :)

Having said that - there are some good things going on... McClay is a draft master who seems to deliver, overall, good results. In turn, players are decent, in spite of the hillbilly's incompetence in 2 out of 3 channels for player aquisition.
It is what it is. I’ve been an Apathetic fan of my Alma Mater all my life . After winning our first conference championship in football in 50 years we called it “ Miracle on the Brazos”.

It’s didn’t prevent me from being a Diehard fan continuing to attend games and supporting the team. It’s just a different mentality you take .

Some fans become so distraught they walk away , become casual or fair weather fans only coming out when we’re having a little more success. My Buddy calls them T-Shirt fans . Lol

Like fans who hop on teams where they didn’t go to school , perhaps a loved one from their family, etc or not from their home TV viewing area. What I often called local or regional.

After almost 3 decades and the frustrating dysfunctional ownership I’ve become apathetic with my beloved Cowboys as well. But they’re my local team and it’s in my blood to continue rooting for them. But I’ll certainly roast them for what this franchise has become.
But winning a SB isn’t the only measurement of success in the NFL. Yes, it’s the pinnacle of the sport but I’d argue reaching championship games and Super Bowls is also an example of success , however limited. Much like making playoffs is more success than not .

This isn’t one team is great in the NFL and the rest suk.
Uhhh then by that logic the cowboys have been quite successful over the last decade
Uhhh then by that logic the cowboys have been quite successful over the last decade
They’ve been more successful than some teams .

Once making the playoffs they have been historically futile.

But many teams would take as many divisions we’ve won and opportunity in playoffs we’ve had.

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