A little diddy for you grassy knollers out there.
So our little buddy, Deano Blandino, takes a tour on the happy Cowboys party bus with the Jones boys, stocked with a few local girls, probably of age, and most likely going by names like Harley, Roxie, and Skye. It was a prime environment to discuss league matters and rules enforcement, you understand.
Then a photo surfaces with Blandino's mug all a fluster. Smile, Deano! Having fun?
No doubt there's been a bit of hot water to navigate with the wife, and the league, too. Deano has Ray Rice and a handful of others to thank for running interference.
So now, after the calls the past two games, what are the odds he's going to take sides on ANYTHING involving the Cowboys. He's got public relations and a job to consider.
Is that it, or will this continue? Here's hoping he gets fired this offseason.
And for Stephen and Jerry, stop taking league officials on your out-of-town romp sessions, because what is happening there obviously ain't staying there.