The silence from the Star is deafening Jerry and Stephen cancel their radio shows

I've always said Jerry will tell you what he just have to listen. He said and I paraphrase...I thought we had the advantage at QB...and that would put us over the top.

I believe they are TRULY stunned that they lost. They truly felt that Dak could not lose to the last pick in the draft. That is such a simplistic way to look at it...but when you have no business being a GM....the simplistic way to look at it is the easiest way for you to understand.

Jerry is a businessman FIRST. He is sitting there thinking how did a guy he is paying 40M lose to a guy that is making 500k. At his core....he has ALWAYS looked at this as dollar and cents...and that is one of his MAIN problems. He builds roster around the guys making the biggest paychecks. Dak makes a lot, so I don't need to surround him with a lot. That is wrong...and will always be wrong. Guys make what the market bears. You HOPE they are as good as their paycheck...but when t hey are not...surround them with the right talent...or move and and get someone better. Jerry has always struggled with letting someone go...that is an admission of failure.
Spot on.
He insisted we ride zeke
When Pollard was clearly better, because zeke was making the bucks.
Thx to the mods for leeway after this brutal loss .
I know I’ve made like 6 topics .
Writing is cathartic.
Less fans pay attention right now, the better. Then when it sets in that Jerry & Stephen are going for status quo, you'll already be filled with a fresh injection of hopium. Probably right after the draft. Some will convince themselves the draft was a game changer. We'll hear reports that this guy and that one have dedicated themselves and are ready to take it to a whole new level. We'll hear Dak has done some amazing things to get ready for '23, spent time with Peyton Manning or some such.

All of which is camouflage for the fact that it'll be the same old Cowboys again in 2023. 28 years and counting.
Less fans pay attention right now, the better. Then when it sets in that Jerry & Stephen are going for status quo, you'll already be filled with a fresh injection of hopium. Probably right after the draft. Some will convince themselves the draft was a game changer. We'll hear reports that this guy and that one have dedicated themselves and are ready to take it to a whole new level. We'll hear Dak has done some amazing things to get ready for '23, spent time with Peyton Manning or some such.

All of which is camouflage for the fact that it'll be the same old Cowboys again in 2023. 28 years and counting.
Yep, same ole , same ole.
Jerry has always struggled with letting someone go...that is an admission of failure.
So true. I was at the stadium when he put that ring on Jimmy Johnson's finger. He still couldn't just be happy for Jimmy.
You can facepalm all you want, the proof is right there. Dak cost the game. I know you're all in on defending him because you don't want to admit you were wrong about him. It's fine. I believed in him too. I wanted him to succeed too. But I was wrong about him. He panics. He won't get it done. He's a great guy. He deserves success. But he's not going to get it done on the field.
Get educated bro. Get seriously and properly educated from those who have played at the highest level so you don't continue being so badly mistaken. poor guys. They are MAJORLY disappointed. THey like us, thought we would at least make NFCCG.
Get educated bro. Get seriously and properly educated from those who have played at the highest level so you don't continue being so badly mistaken.

History will show me right and you wrong. You're wrong about Dak. He's a choker, plain and simple. He beats up on bad teams and underperforms against good teams. He hasn't been the same his his ankle break. He's done.
You are dreaming. Nothing is happening at The Star except JJ and SJ avoiding facing the music after another failed playoff run.
This... or Hooters has signed a deal for some kind of Cowboys partnership.

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