This game is a classic example of what would happen in a playoff game. Our defense is average to below average and teams are going to score on us. When we are forced to throw the ball to keep up, we simply don't have a QB who is capable anymore. If you don't give Romo 5 seconds or so, he can't deliver against quality teams.
Also, the playcalling is just bad. I didn't see one quick slant pass today and I saw a lot of 3rd and shorts. If the "passing coordinator" isn't going to call them, I expect Romo being a franchise QB to speak up and say something. The problem with Romo is he is just a soldier, he isn't a leader, he just does what he is told and nothing more.
Sure, he is a good QB and can do well vs teams that are below .500 and put up good stats during the regular season but that dude will hang you out to dry when you need him most. He is a choker and will never shake that label. We should have been looking for his replacement for years now but the problem is Jerry is just as star struck and obsessed with Romo as some of our fans.
We have holes all over the defense due to over paying veterans like Romo who can't cut it when you need him most.