The truth about 40 times...

AdamJT13;1500961 said:
Yes, it was. Jimmy Hines, the fastest person ever to play in the NFL, set the world record in 1968 at 9.95 seconds. Calvin Smith lowered the record to 9.93 in 1983, and Lewis tied that in 1987 and again in 1988 before lowering the record to 9.92 later in 1988.

See, that's what happens when you take Carl Lewis' word for it. I found it on his site that he was the first person to break the 10.0 mark in the 100 meters. I thought it had been broken shortly afterwards but...

Thanks for clearing that up.
The article talks about how timing experts broke down Ben Johnson's race in 10 meter segments. He then lists his 60 meter, 50 meter and 40 yard times. The fourty time seems consistent with the other segments if it were a fourty meter timing. I think the author may have been confused.

A 4.38 second fourty meter dash would equate crudely to a 4.01 second 40-yard dash.
ayjackson;1501160 said:
The article talks about how timing experts broke down Ben Johnson's race in 10 meter segments. He then lists his 60 meter, 50 meter and 40 yard times. The fourty time seems consistent with the other segments if it were a fourty meter timing. I think the author may have been confused.

A 4.38 second fourty meter dash would equate crudely to a 4.01 second 40-yard dash.

Pay no attention to the article. Johnson's 40-METER time was 4.66 seconds (4.53 without reaction time). His 40-YARD time was 4.37 seconds (4.24 without reaction time).

Johnson's 100-meter dash was analyzed and broken down by a team of biomechanical experts assigned to the 1988 Olympics by the International Olympic Committee, so all of his splits are well-documented.
AdamJT13;1500961 said:
It's on YouTube --

Yes, it was. Jimmy Hines, the fastest person ever to play in the NFL, set the world record in 1968 at 9.95 seconds. Calvin Smith lowered the record to 9.93 in 1983, and Lewis tied that in 1987 and again in 1988 before lowering the record to 9.92 later in 1988.

Dang, Adam! Is there any bit of info you can't find?

What is the distance from lowest surface point on earth to the lowest surface point on the moon... in centimeters? Huh? Huh? Bet you can't find THAT one.


abersonc;1501101 said:
Imagine what he'd do with today's training regime.

That's just downright scary.
AdamJT13;1501184 said:
Pay no attention to the article. Johnson's 40-METER time was 4.66 seconds (4.53 without reaction time). His 40-YARD time was 4.37 seconds (4.24 without reaction time).

Johnson's 100-meter dash was analyzed and broken down by a team of biomechanical experts assigned to the 1988 Olympics by the International Olympic Committee, so all of his splits are well-documented.

Thanks for the video Adam. I wonder if there is a way to put these guys into one video/computer sim and keep it accurate?

Would Johnson's 40 yard time without reaction time equate to what the NFL considers as a 40 time? Do they yell go and then time? Or do they click the stopwatch when the player goes? I never have seen one done on that level.
Amazing Adam, BTW I'm performing brain surgury tomorrow and I'd like to IM you with a couple of questions !


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