I got single prescription lens glasses and it didn't work, but I have to take them back because they don't work for anything, so it doesn't have anything to do with the glasses. Nothing is in focus unless it's inches away from my face. Strangely, using VR without my glasses work pretty well. In fact, I think they work better than when I wear my real glasses. The VR2 still has a "sweet" spot for me, but it's bigger than when I wear glasses. It isn't perfect as things are slightly out of focus, but it is very doable. I'm amazed at this because my sight goes to crap when I take them off any other time. It's like I'm underwater if I don't have them on.
Lol, I did not think you were old enough to live through all that. I remember the 8" floppy disks. When I first joined the Air Force our computers used those. We wrote BASIC computer programs on them. They barely held 100k of data. I couldn't imagine back then that games would eventually use 100+GB of data. I don't know if we had a term for that much memory. I had a Commodore VIC 20 that was upgradable to 32k of RAM and that was plenty. LOL. I ran a BBS in the early 90's and I splurged and got a 1GB HD. My then-wife nearly killed me because it was nearly $1,000. I'm 60 years old, and when I think of the advances in computer technology just in the last 40 years it is mind blowing.